E C Glass High School

What's New

I am so grateful to Audrey for her kind work to keep us connected to each other. That is a beautiful video
Bill was such a lively, full-spirited guy. His skin and hair color matched his personality perfectly. My best memory of him was on our graduation beach trip to Virginia Beach, where he outdid himself in celebration. He got totally sunburned and passsed out in the cottage, and Sullivan thought that shaving cream on his delicate parts would help Cauthran feel better.
Sullivan was so impressed with his work that he invited several females to come see what he had done to Cauthran.
The girls were totally amazed
Wonderful memories of a wonderful guy. I am grateful to God to have known him.
Laurie Thomas Vass
Sunset Beach, NC

My Dear Classmates,
I was awake until 3 am Thursday morning as I reflected on the effort Lois Mann Maxwell and I have given to finding a 55th Reunion venue and menu that will keep the price affordable. We want everyone to be able to come to what could possibly be our last Reunion--the last time some of us might see one another. The ECG69 Facebook page was begun on Christmas Eve, 2017 with A Grand Vision, and it is too late for me not to continue that dream. I am like a tenacious bull dog who will not release a bone. I think I've been looking at our quandary the wrong way: why not design a Perfect Reunion for us and then figure out how to still keep it at $50 a person? To whet your curiosity, the solution will involve things like my new "Chez Audrey" (separate dwelling in my backyard) with dinner by my personal assistant/chef, meaningful conversation, a film of your choice in my living room, with popcorn, my Breckenridge ski time-share, a superb painting by one of our classmates, etc. I HAVE FUN IDEAS!!! Our coming to be so close a half-century after graduation, the thousands of new friendships, a 50th Reunion that can never be equaled, the fun, the laughs, the memories, the support, the reconciliation. DO YOU ALL REALIZE HOW EXTRAORDINARY THIS JOURNEY HAS BEEN? We have been given a second chance.
So here's my plan. I have not shared it with my wise and indispensable co-chairmen Lois and Randy yet because it is so newly wrought. Lois can run my visions by the two venues that seem best and compare their price quotes. Susan Burnett Wright, former Reunion chairman, and Betty Norwood Smiley had only a little over a thousand dollars remaining in the ECG69 account, so we have a small budget right now. Whatever difference there is between the price quote of my dream evening and a $50 per person limit, I will, God willing, envision ways for us to make up the difference. Lois is a GENIUS when it comes to comparative spreadsheets about money! Randy Bush has years of experience organizing banquets for thousands in his previous job.
Lois, ask the two venues we like best to give price quotes with these choices:
Round tables of 8 because so many of us have mobility, arthritic, neurological, etc. issues and need to sit down frequently. We can STILL get up and move around a lot to talk with old friends, but will have a seat to return to if we wear out. Plus it's hard to enjoy food standing up balancing a plate.
Light hors d'oeurves because we don't need a heavy meal, and it will save money for the event. Plus we'll be too busy enjoying old friends.
Other things I'd like:
Entrance around 5 pm so we can get there before dark (cataracts, glaucoma, etc)...plus most of us go to bed early now
Departure between 9-10 am (yeah, to bed early...dang old age!)
No dancing or band (to save money. Plus we classmates who never learned to dance and/or whose minds think they're 16 but whose bodies think they're 101 won't be envious
Many of my ideas were generated by the myriad phone conversations I've had with members of our Class. I have slowly but joyously begun to call each and every classmate to reconfirm contact info for a new Directory (my last four digits are 4441; please pick up!) Thanks to Lois's husband Max, we once again can get a great discount on printing since Max used to own the company in Richmond that we used for the 50th Directory. For many on our Facebook page, the online Directory document is sufficient, but many have greatly desired a paper copy. Some members don't have a computer. But we'll worry about this down the line...
I have almost completed a Friday night Reunion program of events. It makes me smile. I'll share a tentative outline of it soon. I hope it might make those of you on the fence about coming reconsider and join your old friends.
There's lot more I want to say, but I don't want wordiness to make you not read something important to me. "I'LL BE BACK!!!" --The Terminator AND Audrey
With love and gratitude,
Audrey Talley Haugan
2507 Fleet Ave.
Henrico, VA 23228
(a mile or so outside the Richmond City limits, on the west side of Richmond
THOSE WHO HAVE SAID THEY'D PROBABLY COME (the official RSVP, will come in July)
160 so far!!! Email me to add or subtract your name: AHaugan@aol.com
Ackley, Jim + 1
Alfredson, Eric + 1
Arthur, Steve + Barb (Geason)
Baer, Charlie (+ 1?)
Bartley, Dick + 1 (maybe)
Bibb, Debbie
Bird, Patty (Bowling) + 1
Blankenship, Ben
Blosser, Jane (Wilson) + 1
Bottone, Nancy (Leys) (SC)
Brown, Charlie + 1 (NC)
Bush, Randy
Calvert, George + Gigi
Campbell, Diane (Grant)
Carpenter, Pam
Christian, Bruce
Claytor, Cynthia (Ellis) + 1
Coffey, Margaret (Hicks) + Rick (NJ)
Colagreco, Tamara (Feese)
Cooper, David (NC)
Corbett, Robin Sigler
Cothran, Bill + Sharon
Cumby, Glenn + Teresa Watson
Day, Carolyn + 1
Driskill, Janet (Francis)
Droog, Juanita (Francis)
Emmons, Viki + Harry
Evans, Roy
Faulconer, Mark + 1
Fielding, Charles + 1
Gallagher, John + 1
Gilliam, Donna
Glass, Jim + 1
Gordon, Sherry
Gresham, Dee (Templeton) + Jim
Hampton, Fred
Harris, Scott (CO)
Harvey, Patrick
Haugan, Audrey (Talley) + 1
Hedrick, BobDebbie
Helms, Lee + Sandi
Higginbotham, Chip + Janet (GA)
Hunt, Bren
Jambard, Sharon (Crawford) + 1
Johnson, Karen (Burton) + Tom
Johnson, Bob + Janet
Kirstein, Sid + Teresa
Johnson, Neal + Debbie
Larson, Carol
Lawson, Janet (Ferrell) + Jim (NC)
Lipscomb, Brenda (Dudley) + Jim
Martin, Beverly (Bev Dawson) + Wayne
Maxwell, Lois (Mann) + Max
McCabe, Debra (Harvey)
McNamara, Sandy
Merrill, Celonia (Saunders) + John
Noell, Becky (Glass) + daughter
O'Brian, Bobby and Becky
O'Neill, Jackie (Davis)
Pearson, Charyle (Patterson) (NC)
Plantamura, Suzanne (Shearer) + 1 (NC)
Pugh, Reggie + Pat (Quick)
Rash, Charlie + Barbara
Read, Pen + 1
Reynolds, Emmett
Rhoads, Nancy (Preas)
Riley, Pam (Mitchell) + Chuck (NC)
Roberson, Donna (Holland) + 1
Roberts, Jody (Bennington) + Roger
Robertson, Dickie + Nancy (Somers)
Sandidge, William (Bill)
Scoville, Linda
Seagle, Carty
Sheppa, June (Stevens) + 1 (NC)
Shields, Butch + Joan
Simms, David + Anne (Suhling)
Smiley, Dorie (Dillard) - maybe
Smith, Mark + 1 (NC)
Smith Sandy (Wright) + 1
Snead, George + 1 (maybe) (NC)
Snavely, Trisie (Patricia Campbell) (FL)
Somers, David
Spencer, Jay + 1
Stack, Rebecca (Becki) (Blankinship) + John (GA)
Stewart, Vernon + Faye (Wood)
Stone, Susan (Schuyler) (OR)
Tabor, Frank
Tielke, Dee (Gayle Beale Jennings) - maybe (NC)
Tilson, Debi (Witt) + Bill (FL)
Trent, Rickie + Amy (NC)
Trutt, Sandra + 1 (FL)
Turner, Barrow + 1 (TN)
Vass, Laurie Thomas (NC)
Vernon, Gary + Alma (Smith, ECG69)
Viar, Frankie + 1
Weishaar, Lynn + 1
Whitmore, Bill
Williams, John
Williams, Sharon
Wright, Susan Burnett
Please email me at AHaugan@aol.com if you'd like to bring someone and include their name.