In the Newspaper!

      Wanted! Your mugs in the paper! I have received some pictures and articles  from various papers. It really has been fun reading and seeing these. PLEASE keep them coming! If you have anything, email them to Nancy Mayer at and  I will get it on here.



            Jeremy Baka!



          Jane Wetzel Jako and Daughter Sarah


 Celebrated 25 years of marriage!!! Congratulations!!




David Heald! Amazing talent! I had to shrink these to fit, If you are interested in reading these articles, just email me and I can send them to you.




Jody Luedy Shockley

November 1st, 1980

Married almost 28 years


OH-04 - Here's a photo of Mike Carroll (D-Mansfield) on the campaign trail in Hancock County:



The picture is from the Ohio AFL/CIO Flickr account with this notation:

Mike Carroll, member of USW 169 in Mansfield and a lifelong resident of Richland County, is running against Jim Jordan in Ohio's fourth Congressional District. Republican Jim Jordan has a solid record of voting against the middle class.

Mike says he's running because his district hasn't had a working class representative who would put working families' interests at heart in a very long time. "For too long we've elected professional politicians who aren't in touch with regular people's issues," he said.


Another about David Heald.................
