Missing Classmates

We don't have email addresses or postal addresses for these classmates. 

If you can contact any of these classmates, please give them our web address:

If you know a missing classmate's email address, please click on the classmate's name and enter the address to send an automatic email invitation to visit our site.  To see what an invitation looks like, send an invitation to yourself in the Missing Classmates box on the Home Page. 

This page only shows classmates who graduated from MHS.  If you can contact any of the Guest Members on the Classmate Profiles page who haven't joined, please let them know about our website

Privacy: Sending an email invitation to visit our site does not reveal the classmate’s email address to the Class of '62 website, and it does not remove the classmate's name from the Missing Classmates list.  The only way we get an email address is when someone gives it to us.  And the email addresses we have cannot be seen by anyone except the email address owner and the website administrators. 

Margaret Vickers, the last remaining name on this list, was found by Rich Patton ('61) on 10/5/23. Lane 10/7/23
