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Your Daily and/or Weekly Golden Oldies Fix
Your Daily and/or Weekly Golden Oldies Fix
You have two options:
1. To hear a 5-song medley of oldies from the 60s that changes every day, just click on the jukebox. Click on the play button when you get to the site.
This link opens in a new window with a new tab. You'll need to go back to that tab to turn it off if you don't want to listen to all five songs! To keep listening while you browse on our site, just click on your tab with the M on it.
2. To hear the weekly #1 song hits from all the years we were in high school, click on Weekly Top Hits 1958-62 in ‘60s Music & History. These songs change weekly, and they are not archived, so you're going to want to check back every week to get your musical nostalgia fix. Carolyn 4/27/11
The 1962 Yearbook is below in its entirety.
The 1961 Yearbook actually contains our Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman class photos. Some things in life just follow you forever!
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