* We will be adding more names to the Reunion photos soon! If you find any mistakes, please let us know. Anyone we cannot identify will be assigned a number in the hope that you can identify them. Just TEXT the number and their name to 513-884-2722.
* SAFE SENDER'S LIST - In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, be sure to "whitelist" (or mark as a "Safe Sender") the email address noreply@classcreator.net (that's a .net, not a .com).
To whitelist an email in Gmail, you can create a filter that will approve emails from a specific sender or domain:
1. Log in to Gmail
2. Select the gear icon in the top-right corner
3. Click See all settings
4. Select the Filters and blocked addresses tab
5. Click Create a new filter
6. Enter the email address or domain you want to whitelist in the From field
7. Click Create filter
8. Check Never send to spam.