Hillcrest High School
Class Of 1969
Welcome to the Hillcrest High Class Of 1969 web site.
Please check the "50 Year Reunion" page by clicking on the green link to the left.
In the meantime, please let other classmates know where you are now and what you have been doing by clicking on your name under "Classmate Profiles" to the left and then entering whatever information you want.
It only takes a couple of minutes and you are able to keep your information confidential to other classmates.
Add some pictures if at all possible; it is easy to upload them (see instructions in the link to the left). Please note there is a bug in the editing feature of the "upload" photos feature: once the picture is uploaded to the site, it *cannot* be rotated. So, you need to do any rotating on your computer, before you upload the picture.
After you've read an old friend's profile or if you see something intriguing on someone's profile, it is easy to either send a private message (only that person gets an email) or post something publically (everyone can see your comment).
Please let others know your thoughts about the topics discussed under the "Huskie Chat" link to the left.
If you are just arriving at our web site, be sure to click on "First Time Visitors" to the left.
Also, there is a Hillcrest High School Class of 69 Facebook page.
Our 40th Reunion was held at the school the evening of Saturday, June 13, 2009. 135 classmates and many spouses and significant others attended and it was a wonderful evening. For more information please click on "The Reunion" to the left. Pictures are now available at the link "Reunion Pictures" to the left.
Questions about the site? Call Tom Berggren at 534-7449 (o) or 355-7117 (h).