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•   Tom McClelland  1/18
•   John Hitchins  1/13
•   Linda Kooluris (Dobbs)  12/5
•   Paul 'Wuj' Wujack  11/7
•   Nancy Ori  10/10
•   Carl 'CB' Bronfman  9/3
•   Maxine 'Max' Gabbe (Breland)  7/24
•   JoAnne 'Josie' Dreyer (Ganek)  7/24
•   Sandra 'Sandy' Hall  6/19
•   Wendy Booken (Peskin)  6/1
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90 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Millburn High School
Class of 1966

Suzi Schott organized a mini reunion at her house today.  Here we are, from the top: Carl Bronfman, Alan Ganek, Enid Diamond Weisholtz, Barbara Melnikoff, Margie Mellman, Maxine Gabbe Breland, Nancy Ori, Josie Dreyer Ganek, and Suzi Lasser Schott.    

We are sorry to let you know that Joe Roller passed away earlier this week.  We will post additional information as we get it.

For Joe : “ All things must pass “ …some too soon.
Matthew 24:6-8
George Harrison
Tom Rugo

I am still teaching, mostly via Zoom these days. And still doing my international tours. Next one is this September/October to northern England. If anyone is interested in joining me, let me know.

“May you always be courageous,stand upright and be strong,May you stay Forever Young “
1966 : It was a special time.

The Happy Hour in Millburn was a blast! It was fun seeing everyone. ViVi DeLucci (sp) - Wow! I’m so happy you came. Thank you, Frankie for organizing this. I know I know. You are only Frankie to family and childhood friends :-) I look forward to more of these.

Mini Reunion for May 16, 2018

UPDATE: Mini Reunion for May 16, 2018 UPDATE: We will be meeting at The Hat Tavern in the Grand Summit Hotel. Address is 570 Springield Avenue, Summit. Revised start time is 4PM but please just come when you can as we would love a big crowd! Let me know if you have any questions or comments! Renee Gayle Colandrea is going to be back in NJ and we wanted to organize another mini reunion in the Millburn area for Wednesday, May 16th. Thinking of meeting around 5:00 for drinks and/or casual dinner. I'm hoping those in the area will come.

Please let Gayle or me know if you are interested. We will firm up plans closer to the date. Hoping we get a nice crowd!!


Andy Naporano just visted Sue McMains Koudelka in Northern Arizona.  See their pictures in the Class 66 photos section in the mini-reunion area.

Last week Bill Wittkop, Gayle Colandrea, and Carl Bronfman met in Summit.  To see their photo click on the "Class 66 photos" along the left side of the class website.

What a fun time we had at Charlie Brown's! It was great seeing you all - Gayle, Rosanne, Marie, John and Kathy, Renee, Ellen, Billy... Did I miss anyone? It was like a combination open house and surprise party. Thank you so much Gayle, for organizing this. Everyone looks amazing!

I regret to inform our class that Barbara [Goldsmith] Hyman passed away on Sunday evening, Nov 27. She suffered a slight heart attack last week with follow up procedures, and was expected to recover … but then took an unexpected downturn.

In high school we didn’t know each other well, but my long ago memories of her were nothing but positive. Barbie recently moved into our HOA complex in Baltimore, and we became friends before realizing we had attended Millburn High together. She was a lovely person. Her obituary follows.
John Cantlin

Barbi Goldsmith Hyman
On November 27, 2016, Barbi Goldsmith Hyman; beloved wife of Louis E. Hyman; loving mother of Amy Hyman (Jeff) Baum, Jonathan (Lindsay) Hyman, and David Hyman; devoted sister of Deena Bernhaut; adored grandmother of Noah Michael Baum, Eli Henry Baum, Kate Reese Hyman, and William Ellis Hyman; beloved daughter of the late Milton and Rose Goldsmith.
Funeral services will be held at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue on Wednesday, November 30, at 12:30pm. Interment Baltimore Hebrew Cemetery - Berrymans Lane.

Please omit flowers. Contributions in her memory may be sent to CHANA, 101 W. Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201 or Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, 7401 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208.

In mourning at 2421 Still Forest Road, Pikesville, MD 21208, receiving Wednesday from 6pm to 9 pm, Thursday and Friday from 12pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm.

Wonderful pictures from the reunion. Thanks to everyone and Bill for posting. Only one thing to may be 50 years but we still have the best looking class to go through MHS!

Dear MHS Friends - I am sorry and sad that I will not be attending our 50th class reunion, but the timing and the trip from Oregon makes it very difficult for me to attend. I would like to thank those on the organizing committee and especially Richie Gianni who started the process of getting everyone together. I'm saddened to see the large list of those who have passed, but even sadder that so many are still unaccounted for or just uninterested. I look forward to seeing photos from the many activities and hope someone will enjoy a sloppy joe for me...(When I relocated to the San Francisco Bay area 46 years ago, who knew a sloppy joe had hamburger...that is just wrong. LOL!)Enjoy yourselves and if you ever get to Central Oregon, please come and visit. Randi

Found the program from the Senior Prom and just wanted to share the beautiful words contributed by Clifford Gordon

As you approach, from the outside, the red door by the cafeteria, if you look up you can see twenty-one reflections of the sky.
When you reach the landing of the stairs leading up to the second floor, you can look out at the sky itself.
It's important to look up. It's important to look out. Both matter."

Mr.Gordon was a truly gifted teacher. Always unique, and always inspiring.

We're in the news!  THE ITEM OF MILLBURN AND SHORT HILLS published an article on our upcoming 50th reunion. You can see it here  As a result, we received a lead for one of our 'missing' classmates from a Millburn resident, which we're following up.

It's not too late!  If you have any ideas for connecting with others, please speak up.  'No classmate left behind!'  And, if you have information on a deceased classmate, please send it to Rick Foster at or post a remembrance on the site.  Thanks, Suzanne, for getting us in the news!

Uh oh, maybe I did sleep through them. Mrs Dromeshouser is the only teacher I remember. Mr Searles and my brother gig remained friends for decades, but I don't think I was in his class. To this day I fall back on grammar/punctuation rules from Mrs Neal's 9th grade English class.
Anyone have teacher memories to share? How about field trip recollections?
Thank you to whomever responded to my post. Łee