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•   John Olson  7/16
•   Jeffrey Maas (Maas)  7/12
•   Judy Thiemke (Maas)  6/19
•   Nancy Palmieri (Breneman)  6/13
•   Barbara Shapiro (Szeinfeld)  6/7
•   Phillip Ruppert (Ruppert)  6/3
•   Michael Radloff  5/25
•   Linda Champ  5/22
•   Kathleen (Kate) Maloney  5/22
•   Christal Klassy (Bindrich)  5/20
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 44.7%

A:   349   Joined
B:   432   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Hello all January and June 69ers,

We're planning a second 55th reunion, a VERY casual one day get-together, for this September,  since some couldn't make the July gathering. It's a buy-your-own-drinksbuy-your-own-food, come when you can, leave when you must, dress-as-you-like kind of affair. A number of us are planning to attend both events, as you as well are welcome to.

Who: January and June 69ers 

When: 3:00 PM - ? PM, September 7, 2024

Where: Sail LoftdowntownMilwaukee, Wisconsin 

There is quite a bit of free street parking, as well as a lot across the street from the restaurant. Please fill out the survey so we know who will be attending. Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me at

Looking forward to seeing you all.

'69 Reunion Committee

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   Will you be attending the September 7th reunion at the Sail Loft?


Welcome to the Washington High School Class of 1969- Did you graduate early? Did you move to another school? Did you drop out? All are welcome to join our site.

To join this web site, go to the "Classmate Profiles" tab, click on your name, and fill out the information. When completing your profile, be sure to indicate if you want your information available to other classmates. You’re now all set.

 If your name is not on the list, it will need to be entered by the administrator before you can sign up. Click on the “Contact Us” tab above to send an invitation request.  We’ll need your first, maiden and last name in order to register you, and will send you an invitation to the site.

Be sure to check back frequently for updates and surveys (located under the top left-hand side box). The User Forum is for everyone to share their stories and get a dialogue going, so let's hear yours.