Golden Valley Lutheran College and Lutheran Bible Institute-Minneapolis
serving students through 1985
Request a Transcript
Request a transcript
Augsburg College is the custodian of historical transcripts
for the following institutions which are no longer in existence:
- Golden Valley Lutheran College (Golden Valley, MN)
- Luther College of the Bible & Liberal Arts (Teaneck, NJ)
- Lutheran Bible Institute (Minneapolis & Seattle)
To order a transcript from these institutions, you may follow the instructions for ordering an Augsburg Transcript. Specify which school you attended in the “Special Instructions” field of the online request form, or on the request form.
Unfortunately the Augsburg registrar cannot answer questions regarding the interpretation of these transcripts.
Some Golden Valley Lutheran College course descriptions (1981-1985) are available by request. Please contact our office in writing specifying the course title, course department & number, and the term/year of each course taken.