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LBI created Mt. Carmel Bible Camp on Lake Carlos near Alexandria MN. Support the continuing programs of the Camp: Family Camps,Adult Camps,retreats,workshops and the Daily Texts.


This Christian based program has been restoring hope to teens and adults struggling with drug and alcohol addiction for over 30 years.They are housed in the former campus of LBI.


For donation of $20+ - watch for an email to choose and receive a gift of various GVLC/LBI cd's and dvd.


•   Jerry Dargis (Dargis) (1982)  11/6
•   Patrick J. Kelehan (1975)  4/25
•   Paul D. Hanson (1965)  2/21
•   Sandra Brown (1978)  2/20
•   Dennis Brunick (Brunick) (1967)  2/11
•   Rhonda Marsh (Rhonda Moody) (1972)  1/13
•   Lori Fiechtner (McCauley) (1983)  1/10
•   David A. Walker (1973)  11/6
•   Corinne Priebe (Rhoades) (1980)  10/28
•   Lori McCracken (1979)  10/9
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

GVLC & LBI Alumni Association

Purpose: Bringing People Together
in the Spirit of LBI-GVLC

With everyone's safety in mind there could not be
a reunion gathering in 2020, due to the CoVid pandemic.
Now we pause to discern
what course to take for 2021 (and beyond).

We were thrilled that so many joined us for the
It was great fun to meet at our Golden Valley site and also to visit the Portland Avenue site downtown!   Be sure to view Reunion Photos and the Memorabilia available at reunions (find links on left panel). AND REMEMBER. We will gladly help you facilitate and publicize your reunion events. it is easy to learn and use.

CLICK HERE to view reunion photos.
CLICK HERE to listen to the 2019 Reunion Choir singing The Benediction. Awesome!

Legacy Giving: Two funds representing our joint LBI - MT CARMEL - GVLC Legacy were announced at the 2017 reunion. The Funds support Mount Carmel Ministries and Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge (now occupying the Portland Avenue site).  If you want more information on this ongoing Fund Drive, please contact Jan Opsal Fredrickson. We encourage you to consider gifting these two organizations with a legacy donation, and we have made it simple... click the link to the right to donate!

This is an all-school website, serving the alumni of Lutheran Bible Institute-Minneapolis and Golden Valley Lutheran College. This site is maintained by volunteers who depend on you for information about your class activities, so please encourage your classmates to update their profile and become involved!

AND YOU can help us out!  we would like to add something new to the website each month BUT we haven't done such a good job!  See the Monthly Additions  link on the left.  Check it out and then send us your ideas on what to add!  YOUR IDEAS and INSIGHTS will help us serve you more effectively. We will look for your suggestions!

Click photo below for a short glimpse of Mount Carmel, Alexandria, MN

Mount Carmel Ministries, Lake Carlos, Alexandria, MN

Click below for a leasurely walk around the GVLC pond 


Current Alumni Steering Committee
Jan (Opsal) Frederickson (class of 1969)
Alice (Hofstad) Loddigs (class of 1971)
Larry Boatman (class of 1965)
Ingrid Johnson (class of 1954)
Gloria (Anderson) McNelis (class of 1969)
Linda (Nysveen) Johnson (class of 1969)

Please consider serving on the steering committee or representing your graduating class, please contact us at    and your help is needed!
Your support will help keep this website active. AND your support is important and most welcome! Because this web site is not supported through any official alumni office, the cost of maintainance is underwritten by YOU and the members of the alumni steering committee  It was decided to opt out of the external advertising route, SO YOUR GIFT will insure this communication tool will be available for future use.  Your contribution is most appreciated!  Please contact for more information.


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER any of our current CDs or DVDs    
Please email us. Efforts are underway to add to our current offerings.
and your purchase will help support this website as well.


WE NEED YOU! Our goal is to locate someone from each graduating class to work on gathering information and coordinating activities for your class. Share the responsibility with a classmate if you wish. This is a fun and rewarding activity, so please let us know who you are!

Is there a name missing? If you notice one of your classmates names is missing, please let us know! We want to include everyone, whether a graduate or not.  Provide the name and the year this person would have graduated. We will be happy to add them.  Same goes for non-student names... just provide us with some information about the person and how they are connected to our school.  Thanks!