In Memory

Pamela Chaney (Clute) - Class Of 1967 VIEW PROFILE

I was  notified by Mark Sutton and Paul Breitkreuz that Pamela Cheney Clute passed away on 21 August at the age of 66. Pam was a friend to many in her class at Moreno Valley High and well thought of by those in her field. Pam has gone on to join all the others in the ‘Hall of Valhalla’ where we honor her memory at MoVal where the sun was warm on our backs and it was a time of innocence (well maybe not all that innocent, but surely the statute of limitations has run out or our parents no longer care!!) Pam retired from the University of Riverside as assistant vice chancellor emerita last year but continued her work in education. A scholarship fund has been established in Pam’s name. Donations are requested of flowers. Checks payable to “UCR Foundation” should reference Pamela Clute in the memo and sent to UCR Foundation, PO Box 112, Riverside 92502-0112. She is survived by her husband, former California Assemblyman Steve Clute of Palm Desert. Pam is to be eulogized in a memorial by Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey and UCR Chancellor Kim Wilcox 6 September at the UCR Student Recreation Center *south building.) Those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP or call 951-827-3144. Parking is free in Lot 24 on Canyon Crest Drive between University Avenue and Linden Street

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08/29/16 10:22 AM #1    

Karen Coombs (Coplin) (1968)

We always sat alphabetically so I sat behind Pam during many, many math classes.  What a terrific woman!  So very sorry to hear of her passing at such a young age.

Karen Coplin Coombs

08/29/16 02:00 PM #2    

Paul Breitkreuz (1966)

When I first read the article in the local newspaper about Pam it surely reaffirmed what I had heard & learned about her from my own family members and friends over the years.

Although I knew Pam only slightly during our days at MVHS it was not until the much later years at UCR that I became aware of her amazing talents, dedication, and about her leadership on that campus. My knowledge of and the interfacing I had on the campus had been as a Telecommunications Manager for NEC Business Communications Systems. It was through that connection and my time on campus during a major system upgrade I became aware of Pam’s presence and legacy at the facility. Additionally, I had friends and relatives that had worked on the campus and to a person they all spoke very highly about her tireless support to the academic world throughout the vast Riverside area.   

I was very sorry to have heard about Pam’s passing and can only share my condolences to all who knew her through our time spent at MVHS or possibly through her many years teaching and administrating in the higher education environment overall.  

08/30/16 08:29 AM #3    

Marianne Vasquez (Duran) (1968)

what I remember Pam  was a firecracker!!  She seemed always to b in motion.  flittering from class to class  in a little caotic  dust storm with a huge smile talking with friends  as she tried to get to next period on time always trying to push back bangs of hair that fell across her face. She wasn't a personal  close friend but enuf to make a strong impression.   Her feisty spirit & enery definitely moves on into the ehothos, or so I believe, & continues.    Rock on Pam!!

08/30/16 11:14 PM #4    

Dayle-Ann Johnson (Snoddy) (1967)

Pam was always so sweet to me.  I was never really sure why, but was so grateful for her kindness.  She touched so many lives in her short time here, especially young women.  I regret not taking at least one ot her classes.  RIP dear Pamela.  



09/05/16 05:25 AM #5    

Patrick Geary (1967)

Pam had an abundance of charisma and radiated a "star quality". She was always a larger than life presence. Once you met her, it was impossible to forget her. It was an honor and a privilege to know Pam and everyone at MVHS can be proud of the legacy she has left.

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