Missing Classmates

Please take a look at this list and send an invite from this page to anyone you may know. We want to get the word out to everyone about the reunion.

Click the name of the person you wish to invite to the site. A box will appear for you to enter their email address. An invitation will be sent automatically.

I am sure there is someone on this list that you know! Thank you for your help.

Michael Albaugh
Richard Allison
Stephanie Baldridge
Jennifer Baldwin
Angela Bennett
Alicia Bishop
Tony Blankenship
Valerie Bohn
Donald Boswell
Michael Brink
Sherrybeth Carpenter
Athina Cate
George Clark
Russell Clonch
Timothy Conner
Mark Cooper
Jenny Davis
Terry Decker
Dawn Domer
Shona Draper (Diller)
Tim Drews
Christina Dunbar
John Frank
Darin Garrett
Stephanie Garrison
Kelly Gentry
Leigh Ann Gerardi
Deanna Glenn
Marie Goins
Steve Gose
Tim Gossard
Drew Gross
Leslie Hajjar
William Haney
William Harbison
Renee Hargrave
Laurie Harper
Matthew Harris
Bryan Hatfield
Waylon Hawk
Jamie Hawkey
Jack Head
Rusty Henn
Ron Hess
Deronda Hicks
John Hiltibran
Stephen Horne
Kevin Hull
Ginger Hursh
Fredrick Hyatt
Steven Jacobs
Steven Jones
Justin Kintner
Michele Klingle
Crista Kotcamp (Hannah)
Angelina Lane
Bryan McComas
Michelle McCoy
Kimberly McGowen
Tina McKelvy
Russel Misner
Tina Morgan
Tracey Morgan
Theresa Morlan
Rob Myers
Eric Nichols
Anna Ohlsson
Stephen Osman
Vicki Owens
Brett Panter
Lonnie Pelfrey
Danny Pierson
Julie Pitts
Michael Risner
Charity Roberts
David Rohrer
Kris Sadgebury
James Sanders
Anthony Sharp
Tracy Shopshire
Bryan Smith
David Smith
Lisa Smith
Todd Smith
James Sparks
Sarita Staup
David Taylor
Michael Taylor
Chris Terry
Trent Tesch
Troy Tester
Jakenda Thompson
Jenny Wadsworth
Donald Ward
Tammy Weaver
Thomas Webb
Susan Welch
Sandra Whisman
Stephen Woodward

Guest Members

William Drew Gross
