30th Reunion Recap
Such a nice, well-behaved group of Tecumseh alum enjoying their 30th reunion.
Ok, that's more like it!
Whew, another reunion is in the books. The Tecumseh High School Class of 1988 held their 30th reunion on July 7, 2018 at the Simon Kenton Inn in Springfield, Ohio. Attendance was light compared to the 25th, but those that came had a blast.
This year’s reunion planning committee comprised of Fre-Leigh Lyons, Julie Collier, Pam Jones, Renee Ellis, Chris Dean, Sharon Roberson, Michele McCray, and of course David Blakely who, once again, entertained us for months with his humorous videos to build excitement for the big night.
(I think it was easier to plan the reunion than it was to get a committee group photo.)
The decorations, created (and donated!) by Fre-Leigh, Julie and Pam, were a fantastic trip back in time, complete with Rubik’s Cubes, mesh gloves, friendship pins, VHS tapes, glow sticks and generous amounts of neon goodies.
In addition to the fun decorations, more solemn ones reminded us to honor classmates who have served in the military and classmates who have passed. A tree decorated with American flags and stars proudly displayed those with military service, while a table with a place setting was set up for classmates who are no longer with us. Their pictures could be seen on a red ribbon tied to an empty chair.
What’s the old saying? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Well, that philosophy was embraced by our budget-strapped committee again this year. We are not afraid to exploit our classmates’ many talents to pull off these events and we are so lucky to have some very talented alumni. Sharon Roberson and her husband Bryan kept the party going all evening with awesome music while Chris Dean and Renee Ellis made the photo booth bigger and better with even more funny props. Check out the 30th Reunion Photos page to see the shenanigans.
As with the 25th, a few hardy souls did not want the night to end and wound up at Missy Fewer and Doodle McKee’s bar, the D&D Lounge where, rumor has it, there might have been additional dancing and some discarded shoes lying about.
(all photos after 11 pm are censored)
As an extra treat, Renee and Chris created a fantastic video from our event. Just try getting through it without grinning. You can view it via Dropbox here.
All in all, even with the threats of cancellation due to poor ticket sales, we managed to pull it off and have a great time. Thanks to all who attended, without you, all of the planning and hard work would be for nothing.
As promised, some "vintage" coozies from the 25th reunion made an appearance and went home with some oh-so-lucky attendees. Didn't get yours? No worries, the last of the seemingly never-ending batch will be showing up at our 40th. What can we say? It was cheaper to buy in bulk!
See you all in 2028!!