In Memory

Eileen Gill

Eileen Gill

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05/31/14 07:47 AM #1    

Anne Henderson (Henderson)

Our self-designed gym suits!

05/31/14 07:48 AM #2    

Anne Henderson (Henderson)

05/31/14 07:49 AM #3    

Anne Henderson (Henderson)

05/31/14 08:14 AM #4    

Anne Henderson (Henderson)

Eileen was my closest friend at NNHS. We flat out refused to wear the hideous gym suits we were supposed to wear and got permission to dress as our mothers had done, in middy blouses and bloomers. It is one of my fondest (and few) memories of high school. Eileen was murdered by a co-worker in August of 1972, as reported in the 17 August 1972 Bridgeport Telegram:


06/02/14 11:25 AM #5    

Fran Nesson (Lyons)

Eileen was my neighbor and we rode the bus everyday to school. What a tragedy! Thank you Anne for posting the article. I live in California and heard the news but never read about it.

Fran Lyons

10/29/14 09:54 AM #6    

Anne Civetta

Eileen was my mother's favorite cashier at the First National Supermarket shortly after we graduated from high school.  Often, my mom would forego the shortest line just to be able to chat with Eileen who was always smiling and warm.  I recall how shocked I was when I heard the news about her murder. When I read Anne's notes about her, I remember her smile. 

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