In Memory

Eric Branzburg

Eric Branzburg

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05/26/14 05:42 PM #1    

Roger Watson

Eric was one of the good guys. He and I were in Adams House together and sophmore history class. He would always make me laugh not matter my mood. He was someone you would like meet at this reunion and have a few laughs and share some memories and maybe even stay in touch with afterwards. I know none of the particualrs of Eric's daeth except it was to soon. Before that I hope he had the chance to score the gaming winning basket at the buzzer - well that's what I'll choose to remember anyway. Blessings my friends and thank you!

12/17/14 08:08 PM #2    

Patricia Needle

I became friends with Eric when we met at NJC.  We were in a play together.  He was a really sweet, and kind individual-a quiet giant.  He contacted me when he was at UCLA, and I was working at CAL in Berkeley.  We hitchhiked to Big Sur.  I don't think I have to say anything else except "It blew my mind."  Eric was so funny, and excited about his future.  Eric and I continued to see eachother sporadically.  He returned to the East Coast I think when his father was diagnosed with ALS, and died.  Eric went through a lot.  I am happy to say he married.  I don't know any details.  However, not many years later my mother sent me an obituary.  Eric had also succumbed to ALS.  He was a really kind, sensitive, and loving person.  He died tragically too young. 

May his memory always be a blessing.

12/18/14 07:24 AM #3    

David Benjamin

I would like to echo my fellow classmates' tributes to Eric.  He was in my homeroom, I think, and he was very funny and very nice, (and very tall).

None of us know when out time is going to be up, but being remembered by your friends as nice, funny and kind says a lot about how he (and anyone else) lived their life.

Patti Needle said that both he and his father died of ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gherig's Disease.  I did not know it was hereditary.  It must have been terrible walking around as a young man knowing that you could be carrying that gene, like breast cancer or Arlo Guthrie with Huntington's Chorea, which also affects the muscles of the body.

Well, Eric, I'm glad I had the pleasure of knowing you, and you can rest in peace knowing that all of us who knew you, still speak well of you to this day.


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