In Memory


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09/19/13 07:53 AM #1    

Helen Boyd


You were best pals with me and Ronnie Huberman.  I always remember fondly the days when you and he would come over to my house and we'd discuss the world as we knew it.


05/22/14 05:15 PM #2    

Roger Watson

Jerry and I went to all the way through school together. If memory serves me correctly moved into our elementary school district either in the 3rd or fourth grade. He was a tough kid, not easily dscouraged. He is one those people I wish I had been wise enough to get to know better. I have a sense I would have been better off for the experience. He along with many others on this In Memory section are the eason why this 50th reunion is so important.

Jerry, with the greatest of respect, Semper Fi!


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