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•   Jacqueline Kaufman (Johnson)  9/22
•   Norman Letalik  8/26
•   Jane Bevington (Farmer)  8/13
•   Doreen Zacharias (Huggett)  8/12
•   Ed Ujczo (Ujczo)  8/7
•   Mark Stepanek (Stepanek)  8/6
•   Julia Eschmeyer  8/3
•   Regina Sacha (Sacha-Ujczo)  7/31
•   Lawrence Keltner  7/28
•   Raymond Dessoffy  7/9
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
6 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
8 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
5 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
2 live in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
8 live in North Carolina
159 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Nova Scotia
1 lives in United Kingdom
414 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

- JUNE 17, 2024 NEW MESSAGE -

Hope you are starting to enjoy this summer and the weather is cooperating in Ohio, or wherever you are.

Guess What??!!?  We've planned an


No advance payments, just a fun No-Host night at the

Independence Holiday Inn Impulse Bar, (5pm-?)

It's on a Friday night so you can plan your own get-together with other classmates throughout the weekend - feel free to post any plans that you'd like to share on:

Official Normandy '73 Class Reunion website.



Questions or Ideas?  Contact:



----------------OLD PAGES-----------------

Happy New Year!  

We were so excited to see many

of our classmates at our 50th

Reunion and our other weekend

Reunion events.  However, we

know that everyone couldn't join

in the event activities and would

like to share photos on this site

for anyone to view and share. 


To do so, we are keeping this

website 'live' for several more

years.  Although we have some

Reunion photos posted on our 

Facebook Page, we plan to post

those and more on our website

Photo Gallery in 2024.  


To achieve this, please send any

photos you took of our 50th

Reunion weekend activities to this

website or to: 


Also, we'd like to know if you would

want to attend a smaller, casual,

get-together on the same weekend

in 2024.  Please let us know and we

could organize something that would

be free/BYO - such as a picnic -

or that you would pay at the location -

such as a restaurant/sports bar.


Be safe and have a Happy New Year!


-----------------PREVIOUS HOME PAGE INFORMATION------------------

HAPPY 2023!!



We hope you are all excited about our upcoming 50th Reunion - We are planning an entire weekend of fun events to make August 4-6, 2023 a memorable occasion in our lives.  You are never too old to connect with friends and memories from your past!

We are committed to having our 50th Reunion main event on August 5, 2023, at the Woodside Event Center.  [See our ad below for details.] 

However, we NEED to guarantee 175 guests to have it there, so we are requesting you buy your tickets now.  If we don't get enough ticket purchases soon, we'll need to consider other arrangements.

Don't worry if something significant happens in your life that would keep you from attending the event after purchasing the Woodside event ticket(s) -    we will refund your cost for all reasonable causes.

Plus, you can reserve a table for up to 10 people (total) if everyone in your group pays by March 31, 2023, and you email your list of friends to us.

To purchase tickets by MAIL:

  • Make check out to "Normandy HS 50th Reunion" for $75 per person.
  • Send check to Diane Fornasier, 175 Tweed Drive, Danville, CA  94526.
  • You will receive a confirmation once the check is received/cashed. 
  • Please allow at least 2 weeks from the mailing date to receive confirmation.

To purchase tickets by CREDIT CARD:

  • Click on "50th Reunion Main Event" on the left side menu column.
  • Follow the instructions to fill out the transaction form.
  • Pay $80 per person which includes a credit card fee to handle the transaction.
  • You will then receive a transaction email as a receipt for your purchase. 

[Note:  Keep the purchase confirmation for your records only.  All you will need at the August 5, 2023 event entrance is a valid ID card (ie: Driver's License).]

We are also planning to have a block of discounted hotel rooms available for the weekend at Holiday Inn, Independence, Ohio and a casual get-together on Friday, August 4, 2023, at the Club Impulse Bar.  Join us for a No-Host Happy Hour (and later!) 

We are still trying to have Normandy High School open for a free walkthrough on Saturday morning, August 5.  However, we won't receive a confirmation until construction is completed, possibly not until mid-summer.  We'll update you as we know more!

Finally, we are working on a no-host picnic at the Seven Hills park behind City Hall for Sunday, August 6, 2023, and will send out details as soon as we can receive confirmation (hopefully, in February).  STAY TUNED!!!  

Email us if you:

  • Haven’t joined our Official Reunion Website yet or are having trouble getting into it.
  • Would like a Vegan entree.
  • Want to give us your friends’ names for your table seating.
  • Have any questions at all - we're here to do anything to make this event happen!!!

Diane Rizzolla Fornasier:  DFORNASIER.1998@GMAIL.COM

Barbara Mach:  SOLSTICE2@COX.NET

