In Memory

Mark Hopkins

Mark Hopkins

Sharon Burch, Mark's (Harry's) cousin shares this with the class:

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to tell you that my dear sweet cousin Mark Hopkins (Harry as we knew him then) has passed away. He was at his home in California with his wife Deana, in what seems to be a freak accident. She had gone in the house for a moment, and came out to find him in the pool with a large gash on his head. She tried desperately to revive him, but neither her the paramedics or the ER docs could do enough. I just can't believe it..he just celebrated his 64th a couple weeks ago. We grew up together..out mothers were best friends...and he was more like a brother. Always a smile on his face, always positive with a wonderful sense of humor. Deana, who was always by his side, is beyond devastated. No arrangements have been made yet. The lesson continues to be learned that every day is a gift, because there is no guarantee of tomorrow. Damn damn damn

Posted on: May 29, 2016 at 12:02 pm

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05/30/16 08:01 AM #1    

Patricia Bowman (Katsilas)

Sharing some of the early condolences from Sharon's page:

Noel Squitieri

I am so very sorry. This is terrible news. I... you're right. Never let an act of kindness, friendship, of love go by ungiven. The chance may never come again.

May 29, 2016 at 1:07 pm

Noel Squitieri

Please give Deana all our heartfelt condolences. And to all Mark's family and friends, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

May 29, 2016 at 1:08 pm, Edited: May 29, 2016 at 5:40 pm

Jim Quinn

Sharon, I've read your message 3 or 4 times in disbelief. But you were so right about Mark, always a smile, positive, funny and the best practical joker ever...He got me many times!!! Please give Deana and his children my condolences. I will truly miss my friend.

May 29, 2016 at 3:44 pm

Sharon Burch

I will Jim, thank you.

May 29, 2016 at 6:32 pm

Jim Kelly

Sharon, I am so sorry to learn of Mark's tragic death. Such a loss. I always knew him as Harry, and I remember what a joyful, kind guy he was. You are in my thoughts.

May 30, 2016 at 7:29 am

Patricia Bowman Katsilas

Such a shock ..... so many memories of Harry (Mark) throughout the years. And they all bring smiles to both my and Dean's faces........ So thankful that we were able to reacquaint and reminisce again at our last reunion...... Harry will be remembered for the joy he brought to our lives......Thoughts and prayers going up for a great guy & wonderful man......May you find comfort in your memories .......

May 30, 2016 at 7:43 am

05/30/16 01:32 PM #2    

Barbara Gebhart (Geiger)

So very sorry for your loss! I remember him well even though I never made it back for a reunion. Think he even went to Hawthorne with me until I moved after second grade. Wow, such a tragedy. Wish you all strength during this saddest of times. Glad I retired at 55 to just enjoy life! One never knows. Sounds like he had a wonderful happy life! Such a loss.


05/30/16 01:37 PM #3    

Gary Stewart

Sharon,  My deepestest sympathies go out to you and your family on the loss of Harry.  You mentioned his birthday.  I just posted a "Happy Birthday" to him on his FB timeline a week or two ago.  I stayed in touch with Harry (Mark) through FB.  I am sure glad that Harry and I got to catch up at last September's reunion.  Good memories of him from Forest Hills Jr. High and Forest Hills Presbyterian Church.  Hard to beileve.  A little in shock.   God Bless.



05/31/16 06:20 PM #4    

Beverly Cleo Dicoskey (Thompson)

Sending much love to Deana and Mark's family. Such a sad report. So sorry for this loss, Sharon. I always enjoyed his company. Bev/Cleo

05/31/16 10:53 PM #5    

Mark Hopkins

I want to thank you all, especially cousin Sharon, for saying such warm and loving things about my husband, Mark. I  know he is honored for your kind and loving words as much as I am. Thank you so very much. I miss him with all my heart and soul. He left us much too soon. With love, Deana Hopkins

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