Through-the-Years Video

We were the Colonials!

Follow your Classmates Through the Years

Take a Video tour through time from before we graduated, through past reunions, to the present. Many experiences, worldwide locations, and hobbies have changed us over the years.
The Video runs 32 minutes, so grab a beverage and relax while you enjoy.

For BEST QUALITY (HD), use the SETTING Pull-Up menu (gear w/HD) and select 1080p.

Classmates helped locate other classmates and more

Lane (Dragonuk) Randall produces this Video.
Joan (Moloney) Hall developed and maintains the website.
Don Bruner is PW'64 Treasurer.
Anne Todd produces graphics; e.g., the reunion invitations.
Bob O'Neill maintained our class contacts and hosted our committee meetings.

Slideshow Hints

About 60 photos were added; show now runs 32 minutes.
Photos are organized. (See only what you want.)
50 frames at the beginning are loosely grouped by event.
The rest are sorted alphabetically by last name.
For group photos, the person with the least photos represents the group. So, “A” begins with Alba. That “group” is not “Derrickson” because Marie has less photos.
A capital letter, left of a photo, starts a new Alpha group; e.g., A Alba, B Banks, C Campbell, D Davis, etc.
Accuracy not guaranteed ;-)

Video Directions

For BEST QUALITY (HD), use the Setting Pull-Up menu (gear w/HD) and select 1080p.
TO BEGIN, click the arrow on the PW screen image.
TO STOP, go to the below left and press the two standing bars {||}.
TO START, press the stop again, then the right arrow to continue.
TO GO to a place in the Video (note where you were along the horizontal line),
then click the circle on the horizontal line, dragging it to the desired location.
FOR SOUND, use the megaphone icon.
TO GO ELSEWHERE, click the tab where you want to go.
