Summer 2017

Hi everyone! Hope your are enjoying your summer. The weather here has been up and down. Now it is just HOT. Vacation time is here. We hope you are enjoying your time (Golfing, Fishing, Camping, Boating, Hiking, Reunions, Picnics, Rodeos, Family time and any thing fun). Dennis & I went with family  to Lava and had lunch at the Royal Pizza Place. It was really good. That is one busy place the float tubers were up and down that road. So many family's and kids having fun. 

We are still doing our lunches once a month. If you happen to be in town on the 3rd Wed of the Month contact one of us for our location.  Our numbers are listed under thre Reunion comittee tab on the left. This Month we are having a Picnic at the Inkom Pavilion. We planned a picnic last year in Sept and we got rained out, so we chose and earlier date this year. Our picnic was on Wednesday we had 33 in attendance. We had a suprise visitor Marga Lee Scrowther Howard from Port Orchard, Washington. It was so fun to see and visit with her.

We have a newspaper in Idaho. It is the Idaho Senior Independent. It has a great article about Randy Priest craft hats. You can get a copy it is the April/May newspaper. You can call toll free 1-866-360-5683. The address is Idaho Senior Independent, P. O. Box 3341, Great Falls, Mt. 59403-3341 Phone 208-318-0310 or

We hope you are checking our web site for latest death notices. We have had 6 more leave us since our last  reunion. Ronny Smith, Steve perkins, Kathleen Draper Dunn, Saundra Harrison Wolf, Ernie Sutton, Fawn Haworth Fauerbach & Robert (Bob) Enwall.

Just a reminder there will be A 50 + Combined Reunion this year, If you have older  Siblings  or friends in these classes & would like more information. The Web Site is There is a Registration Form available there. The Class of 62 is having their Reunion on the same weekend so the can attend some of their functions. There is a list of attendees from last year on that site

I have a list of people who need to change their e-mail. Kristy Western (Sullivan), Jane Brian ( Nielsen), Willaim Powell, David Sanders, Jack Williams, Patsy Peck (Beck), Betty Sue Pierce ( Rasmussen). We are getting bounce backs on the  messages that are going out.












