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50th Kahdy Challenge Donor

Kahdy-Enloe Scholarship Fundraiser

Challenge Donor's for the Class of 66'

We have some very exciting news!!! You guys have not only reached our goal of $11K for Kahdy Scholarship Challenge, but you have blown that goal thru the roof!  The final tally that we are excited to report to you that we have raised $23,058!!!  This is an awesome job that you should be very proud! 

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!


50th Reunion Funds as an Honorarium for George A. Kahdy


Calvin and Annie Ashburg

Mr. John Baker

Kelli Barham

Mrs. Barbara Atkins & Mr. C. David Batts

Mrs. Barbara Atkins & Mr. C. David Batts

William and Sandra Baxley

Barry and Jane Beard

Jewel and Carl Brock

Mrs. Libby L. and Mr. R.D. Carson

Mr. John P. & Mrs. Julie C. Collins, III

Mr. David Edward & Mrs. Eleanor C. Cromartie

Mr. David Edward & Mrs. Eleanor C. Cromartie

Sue Deichmann

George and Judy Dennis

Mr. Ralph W. & Mrs. Sarah G. Flanary

Ms. Sharon R. Gates

Mr. John T. (Tommy) and Mrs.  Kaye Lloyd Gattis

Ms. Dorothy Harris-Bandier

John and Theresa Hartsfield

Mr. Robert Heath

Clara Holland

Mr. Arthur M. & Ms. Diane Ellen Ingram, Jr.

George Kahdy

Joyce Martin

Mr. Joseph A. & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Massey

Mr. James Mettrey

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Miltz

Ms. Judith A. Music

NC Playscape Construction, Inc.

Mr. Jim Perry

Ms. Jan. N. Pittman

Pat Reaves

Mr. E. Brent Rhue

Ms. Suzanne Rotchford

Mark and Mary Anne Schiller

Marsha and Clarence Smith

Gray Speight

Ms. Linda T. Starmer

James and Bonnie Stem

Ms. Linda J. Wagoner

Mr. David H. Walters

Sally Whorley

John Wilson

Ms. Sharon H. Wilson
