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Any bikers out there? How about a run?

Created on: 09/12/15 11:14 AM Views: 2019 Replies: 2
Any bikers out there? How about a run?
Posted Saturday, September 12, 2015 11:14 AM

Hey!  If Saturday (Sept. 26) has enough of a day for a good ride (no tornadoes or blizzards) how about a little run around the area?  Increase your carbon footprint!  We could meet at the school around 10, hand out copies of the school song [how does it go?] and then ride.  Gotta have a few memories for the old folks home!



RE: Any bikers out there? How about a run?
Posted Sunday, September 13, 2015 08:43 AM

Would love to but already have plans for the day - maybe we can plan one sometime in the future, I see you're in Blackburg.

Are you coming to the reunion?

RE: Any bikers out there? How about a run?
Posted Wednesday, September 16, 2015 09:14 AM

Plan to make the Saturday night thing. Will probably miss the other things.