In Memory

Marilyn "Genie" Merrell (Israel) VIEW PROFILE

Marilyn Genie Merrell (Israel)

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01/05/22 10:04 PM #4    

Jana Wilson (Volkmer)

A dear grade school friend. We painted the Otto's deli windows for Halloween. Actually Genie directed and I followed. Together we ran home from Kensington through the Beaconsfield center strip. All the time thinking we were Robin Hood and his men. Later in high school we terrorized the percussion section of the band. Too many memories to count. They all were great.

01/06/22 11:06 AM #5    

Terry Mone (Mone)

WOW! Quite the life -- airline pilot. RIP. God bless.

01/06/22 11:22 AM #6    

Reid Douglas

Jana, this is the oldest picture I have from Kensington and I'm not sure what grade it is but no later than 3rd or 4th. You and Genie are together in the 2nd row, correct? I'm in the top row with, among others, Gordie Gray and Tom Allen. We too spent many hours in the Beaconsfield center strip playing cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, whatever combative game we could think up. If it weren't for us, you and Genie wouldn't have been safe in the center strip back then. It was a pretty rough place. How times have changed. Back then the cowboys were the guardians, now the Indians are! 

Thanks for bringing back those fond memories of Genie and Kensington. Were you there from 1st grade? Wish I had a picture of that class. I think it's amazing how many of us graduated from RRHS together.


01/06/22 02:16 PM #7    

Barbara Geckler (Walton)

I remember our days at Kensington and Beardens. Those wonderful times will never be forgotten. Genie, WOW, an airline pilot. I was so fortunate to be a friend of yours. Many crazy times we had together. They will never be forgotten. I send you hugs wherever you may be. Barbara Geckler Walton.

04/13/22 05:27 PM #8    

Terrence Kelly

She very much seemed always to be upbeat. the picture, wich is you, Gordy, Tom?

04/14/22 09:54 AM #9    

Reid Douglas

Terry, I’m 2nd from left, Gordy is next to me at 3rd, Tom is 3rd from right.

04/14/22 01:41 PM #10    

Lowell Hinsdale

Marilyn. Sounds like you lived a good life. Wow a Pilot. Now moving onto to your new challenge. Soar with the angels.


04/16/22 01:28 PM #11    

John Nordstrom

To any classmates in the Fort Lauderdale area, there will be a memorial service for Genie on Sat. April 23rd. The location will be the Fort Lauderdale Air Museum Hanger. Genie had many friends in the Fort Lauderdale area so if you are in the area please feel invited.



04/17/22 04:29 PM #12    

Diane Stebbins (Newburg)

I'm in that picture too and I have an original. My mom wrote the names of everybody on the back. I am also in the second row on the right, their right, from Jana and genie. I was also friends with Jana. I also see Diane Rice, Linda Price, Betsy Gibson, and Barbie Geckler in there, too. I remember a lot of pregame potlucks at genies.

04/18/22 01:23 PM #13    

Reid Douglas


Let me know if you have a picture with the names on it. I can name most of them but could use help with a few. That second row, L-R, is you, Genie, Jana, Joan Whipple, unknown, Betsy Gibson, Greg Kindt, Steve Gardner, Jan Stein. Any help with the guy in the middle would be appreciated.


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