Mary Blanche Cantalin Early

Profile Updated: June 9, 2014
Residing In Cincinnati, OH USA
Spouse/Partner Richard Thomas Early-deceased 2004
Occupation Retired
Children Elizabeth Erin, 07-07-72
Brendan Patrick, 09-17-77
Yes! Attending Reunion

Married in 1970, moved to Berlin, Germany (US Army) for a year. Bagged contraceptives in PX as a part-time job, as my German too shaky to practice as RN. Loved living there, made great friends and traveled every opportunity.
Moved back to Cincinnati in 1971. Had kids, worked in OR part time, worked on our house, OLD 2-family, moved to another OLD house-worked on that and had a fine life.
Dick dx with Ca of Lung in 2000, fought bravely for 4 years, passed away in November of 2004. So thankful for the 34 good years together.
Sold both OLD houses and moved to Condo, worked in OR total of 46 yrs, lots of hospitals...Wow, out of room....can't wait to see everyone.

School Story

I think my only funny claim to fame is being a proud member of "The Frigid Four". When we (TFF members) got called on in class and stood up to answer, some guys made "Brrrr" noises.

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Mary Blanche,

Have a wonderful birthday with great moments and memories! Hope all is well in your life!

Pat Diggles

Nov 06, 2016 at 6:52 PM

Fred, how sweet of you to share that wonderful picture of Chuck. Thank you so much. Like you, I am a lurker....enjoy the read. Chuck was pretty special! Happy holiday season to you and yours. Mary Blanche C/ Early

May 20, 2016 at 4:33 AM
May 20, 2015 at 4:34 AM
Mary Blanche Cantalin Early added a comment on Profile. New comment added.
Jun 09, 2014 at 10:02 PM

Posted on: Jun 09, 2014 at 10:02 PM

Mary Jo with her three GRANDaughters