In Memory

Gordon Denison

Gordon Denison

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05/05/21 11:49 AM #1    

Keith Marchant

Sandy I am sadden for your loss of Gordon.  He was an amazing individual who I enjoyed getting to know in High School.  He did have a great sense of humor and was a very kind person.  Kent Silver and I were just talking about you guys a couple of weeks ago.


Keith Marchant

05/05/21 01:59 PM #2    

Gregory Shoop

This was saddening to me. I knew Gordon back in grade school and we stayed pretty good friends into high school. I went to his wife's facebook page and she had posted some updates about him after his stroke. Gordon was one of the good guys.

05/05/21 02:18 PM #3    

Susan Nicholes (Whipple)

I was so sorry to hear about Gordon's passing.  He was a great guy!  We did many group dates with him that will always be remembered.  Sandy, I hope you know how much we care and how sorry we are for your loss.  I hope you will feel our love and that of your family and friends to help you through.  

--Susan Nicholes Whipple

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