In Memory

Victoria Valentine (Konvolinka)

Victoria Valentine (Konvolinka)

Charlie Challstrom provided me with the attached Ancestry page with limited information about Vicki Valentine.  So far, it seems she died in September of 1998.  I have no additional information.  (Kevin) 


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05/08/09 11:26 PM #1    

Dyane G. Silva (Janney)

Vicki was a wonderful friend , we stayed in touch when we both had our babies, and then somehow lost touch. She used to take me riding up around Canada College,we had such good time.She loved her horse. I always thought she was such a beautiful girl, just very shy. I miss her. Dyane Silva Janney

06/08/09 01:01 PM #2    

Deborah M. Long (Carpenter)

Vickie and I met because we both loved horses. She had just lost hers to colic and we grieved together. As our friendship grew, we ended up being naughty together by hitch-hiking to Half Moon Bay, where we would exercise the horses out there at the stable (for free), Vic knew the owner. I remember one time Mr. Keffeler stopped and picked us up and I was so embarrassed because he asked me if my brother (Dave, the good kid) knew I was hitch-hiking. We laughed about it later. I always thought Vickie was a beautiful girl, inside and out, we were good friends for a time and I've often wondered how her life played out. I hope it was blessed, she surely deserved it.

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