Bradley P. Bennett

Profile Updated: April 3, 2015
Residing In: Rohnert Park, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: engaged
Occupation: sales
Children: Jason age 31

Jennifer age 29
Mobile phone:



this has been a blessing, the work you all i have done and are doing with this website and reunion. thankyou

The teacher who had the most positive impact on me at San Carlos High:

Mr Piparo,

Other favorite teachers include

Mrs Thurlow, Mrs Ash, Mr Black, Mr Wilson, Mr Cosco

My favorite subjects in high school were...

math, p.e,

Some of my best friends in high school (and what I liked most about them):

Dennis bay, Al Risso, Bob Fitch, Bob Lowe, Bob Kord,

Classmates I keep in touch with (frequently, often, sometimes)

all underclassmen, Randy Davenport, Rusty O keefe(best buddy)

Some of the most meaningful events or experiences that have occurred in my life since graduating from SCHS include...

being a dad, falling in love with chihuhuas, creating a good career, and going thru 48 weeks of Hep C treatment and coming out healthy and giving my life to God,

Some of the most memorable/fun/funny/important things I've done since graduating include:

Spending a week in Louisania (Lake Charles) after Katrina hit, working a shelter for a week

The scariest moment of my life since graduating from SCHS was when...

overturn boat with Randy Davenport, Rusty o'Keefe, and Bob Fitch 4 years ago. We were in the bay for 45 mins, nobody around, very rough water, and one boat came out of nowhere, and saw us.

25 Random things about me...

Bruce Springsteen junkie
cry easily at movies
inner peace
love chihuhua's
self teaching(slowly) the keyboard
believe in God

The best words and phrases to describe who I am these days are:

nice guy who didn't know it, who survived self destructive behavior, to become a nice guy, and will never take God's grace for grateful, i live in a sea of gratitude and love towards others

The things I am most passionate about these days include...

becoming a better person everyday, and to show compassion and hope to all who feel it's to late to change, it's never to late

Tell us about your driving tickets: the funniest, the most severe, the one you should have been given but didn't (and how you got out of it), and so on...

only speeding ticket i ever got was last year in Petaluma at 7 in the morning, i tailgated someone for speeding past me(nice to see i am applying what i just wrote)and a CHP drove by us, and pulled me over, Told me he didnt want to give me the ticket, he wanted to give it to the other person, but i didn't slow down or acknowledge him. I started laughing and he asked why, told him i never had a ticket before( he was amazed)but i guess i am suppose to, and then i preceeded to tell him about all the years i drove on drugs and alcohol and got pulled over and how my life had changed, he only gave me a tailgating ticket and a smile.

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM
1957-58 Grade 1, Clifford School
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM
my son and i before Giants game 6/17/09
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM
Penny, my baby, adopted her August 7th 2007, the first piece God trusted to me, to rebuild my life
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 9:33 PM