Missing Classmates


The list below is defined (currently) as anyone for whom we have no email address

(in parenthesis are married names)


We need help to locate email addresses for these folks....if we all try and make contact with even one or two it would help so much....now that we have a 24/7 central place for contact (that doesn't charge the individual member) it makes sense to try and find our classmates and urge them to log in. 


If you know a missing classmate's email address please send the name and email address to:



Longer discussion and note: You have a choice about how to notify a classmate when you have an email address for them.  If you use the "invite" dialog box on this Classcreator system instead of sending the address to email@linton66.com we will not see nor be able to use the address to send out any future reminders.  In effect the system's Classcreator dialog box invite is a one-time invite and the address is discarded after it is used by the system for one attempt at delivery.  On the other hand if you send the address to the class administrator (committee) a classmate will stay on the email list and get future mailings unless they indicate they want to be removed, which anyone can request any time.  If you ask what we recommend it would be to send the address directly to email@linton66.com.

Donald Abbatiello
Robert Arnheim
Herschel Arnow
Armand Attanasio
Barbara Baciewicz
Susan Badger
John R Bailey
Terry Bailey (Puglisi)
Janet Baker
Joan Baker
Linda Bankowski (Tanella)
Catherine Bart
Charles W Barthelmas
Bruce Bartolotto
Mary Barton
Charmaine Bergeron
Linda Bienick
David Bittner
Nancy Blonde
Stephanie R Bowman
William P Braden
Robert E Braun
Ronald Breyo
Brenda Briggs
Susan Brooksbank
June Marie Bublak
Michael J Budka
William R Bull
Patricia Buonagura (Benaquista)
Marie Byrnes
Vincent J Califano
Marjorie L Campbell
Donna Campolieto
Sharon A Card
Cheryl Ann Carl
Richard L Carlson
Arlene Carnevale
Susan Jane Caruso
Donna Cassidy
James A Caulfield
Antonio Cerrone
Chris J Chakas
Andre Charland
Joseph Omer Charland
Andrew J Chilcott
Sandra Theresa Chojecki
Susan Lynn Clark
Arthur W Cole
Raymond J Cook
Larry Cote
Gary A Cromme
Sanford V Czyzyk
Susan Dall
Barbara Lou Darling
Dennis J Daviero
Barbara Lou DeForest
Carl M Delio
Linda M DelVecchio
Rosetta DeSantis
Pio DiMeo
Elizabeth Ann Dimmick
Diane Clarke Dimond
Julie Dingman
Alberta DiSarro (Gabso)
Isabelle Dobies
Jeanne Ebel
Eileen V Eggleston
Becky Ann Eimers
Doreen Beth Eitelman (Rossi)
Barbara June Erlach
Iris L Fagle
Colette Feathers (Stringer)
William R Ferguson
Arthur Fischer
Judy Fitzpatrick
Robert J Flis
George A Folmsbee Jr
Carol Ann Forman (Pemberton)
Richard Foster
Janice Fountain
Simon Freedman
Joan Freeman
George E Friskey Jr
James J Gapczynski
Robert A Gesell
Carol Golden
Peggy L Goldman
Robert A Gooch
Harold J Gray Jr
Cassandra Griffin
Chester Grzelecki
Linda Marie Hagin
Natalie Hanrahan (Campbell)
Veronica J Harris (Purcaro)
Judy A Hart
Judith Lee Hastings
Katherine Heiner
Ronald Hendrickson
Joanne Hinkel
Gerald L Holland
James R Holman
Barbara Howenstein (Carr)
Thomas R Izzo
Corrieann Johnson
Ronald A Jordan
Karen June
Kenneth Juracka
Robert F Jutton
Ida Kamen
Lorraine Anne Kedzior
Kathleen Kelly
Stephen Kelly
Robert T Kettner
Alan Klepper
Lois E Koch
Donnalee Kollath (Kearns)
Sandra Krosky
Lorraine Lachowicz
Curtis A Lane
William A Lannier
Claudia LaRocque
Martha LeBron
Thomas Leffingwell
Grace Ann Lennon
Alfred D Leone
Diane Lindenbaum
Wai Man Ling
George R Lockwood
Syrae Lucey
Robert C Luckhurst
Arlene Mack
Judy Maille
Janice R Maioriello (Sleasman)
Fernando Mallozzi
Kathleen Louise Manning
Adelaide E Marotta
Judith Ann Marshall
William Mason
Mary Matuszak
Audrey Ellen Maurer
Richard M May
Joseph A Mayer
Cassandra Mayo (Sanders)
David Mayo
Linda Dawn McCadden (Hopkins)
Janice McCough
William McGough
Timothy McLaughlin
Margaret McNeely
Robert G Melanson
Richard Mele
Harry H Messina
Barbara Meunier
Donna Lee Meyer
Halina C. Michnicki (Lastarza)
Kathy E Miller
Geraldine Mills
Linda Ruth Mitchell (Conpropst)
Virginia L Monda
Janie E Monroe
Danita Lois Morette
Gail Judith Morrell
Linda Lee Morrison
Anne K Moses
William E Mullins
Rosann Musce
Betty L Neal
William B Nelligan
Michelle Nigro
William O'Connor
Alberta Ellyn Otten
Arthur J Pacelli
Laurence R Pacelli
Paul M Pakan
Mary Michael Pangie
William J Parent
Ronald D Pelletier
William E Pernet
Angela Perretta
Richard A Perrine
Joan Yvonne Perryman
Susan Ellen Plumb
Elmerinda Popolizio
Viola Teresa Potter
Diane Mary Powers
Linda Powles
Carol Anne Pratt
Paulette A Primeau
Francesco C Puglisi
Lorraine Quirini
Douglas C Ramsey
Steven C Raucci
James E Ricci
Ronald Rivlin
Rosemary Doris Rogers
Louis Ruzza
Richard Ruzza
Jeanne H Ryan
Janet Sahr
Janet Susan Sakos
David T Salvino
John L Sawyer
Gregg Schaffer
Richard Schleyer
Sandra Lee Shafer
Linda Norine Shaw (Height)
Patti Sheinfeld
Ella Mae Shepherd
Barbara J Smith
Joan Marie Smith
Patricia A Snell
Bonnie Lou Snyder
Pell R Sparks
Thomas G Spears
David Spooner
Sherry Stark
Linda Cheryl Stevens
Stephan A Strode
Lynn Suggs
Sally Janice Sweet
Gail Ann Terwilliger
Mary Ruth Thomas
Ellen Mary Tierney
Faye Lynn Tischler
Neil Tone
Casmir Urbanski
Diane Utter
Rita Varriale
Michael A Veteramo
Gail Marie Vivian
Christine D Vrooman
Peter Vrooman
Suzanne Vrooman
Linda Bernadette Walker
Patricia Ward
Ellen Weinberger
Andrew Wheeler
Mary Wiggand
Jess Wilkins
Margaret Williams
Deborah Jane Wilson
Ronnie Wilson
Gary C Wing
Margaret Witecki
Leonard T Witham
Thomas Wood
Brian J Wright
Man Tak Young
Charles Zeller
Carole A Zito
Nina Zoulas