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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 40.6%

A:   191   Joined
B:   280   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)




to the

Linton High School

Class Of 1966

Alumni Website


 The 55th casual get together party

at the Frog Alley Brewery

was very pleasant & the tour was

well done with lots of information.


Please mention to members of the class

  Music survey - enter your favorite high school song!

Click below for some

 Music from our Time



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You can click here and scroll down

for instructions and frequently asked questions.






The reunions have been great nights  - everyone seems to enjoy our time together; still, we always need

Help with email addresses.  Please send this website address to any classmates you know of.  Even if they couldn't come to the 55th they may know the email address of someone who would like to know about the website...and maybe they can make the 60th.  As they say for the lottery "you never know"....and you can't beat the price - the website is still free to individual classmates.

This website ( has stayed up and open, so even if someone couldn't come to the 55th it would be great to have them know about the 60th


Your Reunion Committee


Your committee & more at the 55th at Frog Alley.  There is Lois,

Carol, & Cindi in front, then Michael, Pat, Louis, & Kathy, then

Neil and David holding up the rear.  Good time had by all!



Here is a picture of the reunion planning committee - meeting on December 28th at Sacandaga...busy little bees!  Clockwise from the left (standing) Patti, Cindi, Lois, Neil, Richard, Peter, Russ (honorary) Carol, and sitting Michael.  Unable to be present David, Debbie, Nancee, John and Dante.


Archive pic of the committee planning the 45th...

Back (all from left): Neil Murray, Michael Brockbank

Middle: Peter Pidgeon, Carol Comenzo Collura,

Janet Mulyca Murray, Pat Bucci Johnson,

Cindi Baranowski Morrison, Lois Caracciolo Ferro,

Richard Ferro

Right Front: Dave LaMontagne, Debbie Ras LaMontagne


Your committee at the 45th on Saturday night:

 Back: Richard, Patty, Debbie, Peter, David

Middle: John, Lois, Carol, Cindi, Nancee, Neil

Seated Michael, Janet


Check out a scan of the original Graduation Program with class listing - many thanks to Jay Blumenthal for uncovering and sending this one.   

(user hint - the class list may appear to be in a very small font, but there is a zoom feature in Adobe Acrobat Reader that can make it larger and more legible)


Also to view: the Talent On Parade (TOP) program from 1966.  Many thanks to Chris (Matthews) Campriello and Jay Blumenthal for sending this one to us.  The cover art was by our very own Tom Monlea, who unfortunately is no longer with us.