Contact Us



Please feel free to send any sort of website comment or inquiy to, or



 In addition here are the personal email addresses of the recent 45th reunion committee members. All of them have indicated their interest in helping to ensure that the class stays in touch, and that the website grows in terms of making contact with as many class members as we can.  They have all expressed a willingness to receive questions.

 Carol Comenzo Collura ; Cindi Baranowski Morrison ; 'Dave and Debra Ras LaMontagne' ; Janet Mulyca Murray; Neil Murray;  Louis DiCarlo; Michael Brockbank ; Nancee JennePatricia Bucci Johnson; Peter Pidgeon; Lois Caracciolo Ferro;Richard Ferro; Robert Hermann; John Hulse


Down below is a general inquiry/comment form that can also be used for leaving a message.  So there's no reason for a long term puzzle or question to frustrate anyone - there are lots of hands willing to help resolve issues.


* = Required   

* Your Name
* Your Email
* Subject

* Message
