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Class Of 1983
40th Class Reunion
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Donna Amundson
John Arnwine
Kimberly Bader (Myers)
Kathy Balke (Heineman)
Becky Barbour (Stetzenbach)
Jennie Barnes (Guerrini)
Julie Barnes (Paul)
Troy Bass
Tom Beck
Gary Berry
Michele Bilyeu (Barnes)
Lesli Bolling (Shaver)
Daniel Breeden
Wesley Sonny Broyles
Stacey Burgess (Shaw)
Launa Burke
Lavonne Burlingame (Mattingly)
Rhonda Camirand (Dieckmann)
Clarissa Campbell (Brittain)
Gregory Chaplin
Dana Christian
Cindy Cline (Cline-Peck)
Julie Coble (Horn)
Nicci Corpe (Funk)
David Dawson
Tobi Delph (Fockler)
Rebecca Dietzman
Lisa Dillon-Walker (Lamm)
Michael Drexler
Jacques Duchone
Duane Dunkin
Meloney Eastep (Kohl)
Kent Eichholz
Christian Farris
Cheryl Franken
Cyndrea Franklin (Lambert)
Robin Frederich (Strong)
Lisa Freese (Braverman)
Cynthia Fry (Hargett)
Kathy Handtke (Scott)
Vicki Harris (Smith)
Robert Hartman
Russell Hayworth
Eddie Horn
Martin Jackson
Julie James (Anderson)
Debra Ann Jett (Vaughn)
Alvin Jones
Kay Jones (Keele)
Steven Jones
Becky Keightley (Scott)
Cameron Kellogg
Michael Kempf
Nancy Kolsky (Dodge)
Laura Lamm (Powell)
Janice Lorenz (Scheel)
Liz Lothnore (Kast)
Jody Manuel
Jeff Marker
John Martin
James McFall
Julia McWhirt (Gampher)
Michael Meier
Rudy Messerli
Candy Meyer
Rick Meyer
Kathy Mishler (Schnakenberg)
Becky Moon (Cantrell)
Stacey Morrison (Lindsey)
Kevin Mosier
Christopher Musslin
Jim Myers
Mike Odette
Brent Parker
Cynthia Parker (Lindgren)
Kathy Parkhurst (Reine)
Keith Patterson
Randy Paxton
Cathy Peters (Hickman)
Joyce Poertner (Davis)
Floyd Pohl
Carmen Poindexter (Taylor)
Lisa Price (Bryant)
Lisa Price (Bryant)
Lorrie Randall (Rogers)
Sandy Reedy (Willis)
Danna Reiter (Belsha)
Les Robinson
Dean Roe
Scott Rose
Pat Rush (Royeton)
Julie Ryan (Lindstrom)
Frances Sandbothe (Christian)
Jerry Scott
Kirk Scott
Matthew Smith
Tammy Sommers (Allison)
Barbara Stetzenbach
Dawn Stetzenbach (Messerli)
Rebecca Tatum (Manuel)
Tracy Thomas
Angie Thompson
Todd Thompson
Troy Tibbetts
Shane Ulmer
Rima Umbles (Dickson)
Mary Vansell (Bauman)
Kevin Walker
Flint Walton
David Wolf
Chris Young