30 Year Reunion




Details for Class of 1983 30th Class Reunion


Our 30th ( yes 30th!!!) Reunion will be held

Homecoming Weekend- October 4-5, 2013

Tentative Schedule of Activities

Friday, October 4

1:00 pm- Lunch at Fitter's Pub if you can make it

2:30  pm  Begin lineup for parade.  Here is where we are in the parade lineup:

South side of 10th Street between Massachusetts and Katy Trail (behind old cafeteria and FEMA)

1.      Horace Mann

2.      Class of 1983

3.      ‘’Wizard of Oz’’

4.      Middle School

5.      Skyline

6.      Class of 1988

7.      Parkview

8.      Junior High Band

3:00 pm-  Line- up for Homecoming Parade at Smith-Cotton Junior High- We are planning on having a float.  Thank you Jim Myers and Tracy Thomas for truck, trailer and hay bales!!.  We will meet an hour before to prepare.

5:00 pm- Alumni Tailgate BBQ/ Jennie Jaynes Stadium- This is a free event open to all alumni and familie.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served.  This is sponsored by the Sedalia School District Foundation and donations are appreciated.

7:00 pm- Smith Cotton Tigers Football Game- Come and cheer on the Tigers.  We will have a roped off section for classmates.  Look for the Class of 1983 Banner.

Post-Football Game- Gather will friends at "Fitter's 5th Street Pub" in downtown Sedalia.


Saturday, October 5

7:30 am- 9:30 am-  Pancake and Sausage Breakfast sponsored by The Sedalia School District Foundation at Old Smith-Cotton cafeteria.  Tickets are 5:00 at the door. 

* Tours of the High School will be available at this time- so go check out your old locker!!

11:30 am-12:30 pm- Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony- The Heckart Performing Arts Center at the NEW Smith-Cotton.  The building will also be open for tours at this time.

2:00 pm- Reunion set-up at Katy Depor- All hands on deck!!

7:00pm-12:00 am- Reunion party at The Katy Depot

$25 per person

Food will be provided by El Tapitio and cash bar will be available.

8:00 pm- Party is open to all S-C Alumni and friends



Please join our Facebook page-

Smith-Cotton H. S. Class of 1983 and encourage friends to join also for updates!!








Class of 1983 30th Class Reunion (Friday October 4 2013)

$25 per person
Sorry, you must be logged in to buy tickets. If you would like to order please log in here.
Reunion Ticket $25.00
