Smith-Cotton High School
Class Of 1983
What's New
Hey Stephanie! I hope all is Well and Good. Just checkin in. I'm still in Kansas City. I have two sons (ages 17 and 19). Good kids... not sneaky like their dad :-) Keep on Enjoying OUR B-day... (since this website isn't aware that we share March 25, 1965 :-)
Take Good Care.
Love You,
Martin Jackson
Hello my Beautiful friend!
Happy "50th" Birthday to one of my most dearest friends! You have always been the most caring and beautiful friends I have. May your day be blessed and may you see many more. Love you my friend, for always and forever!!!!
Happy Birthday, Love you
Hey Chris, It's Martin Jackson.
I just accessed my email and saw that Congrats were in order on another B-Day. I know I'm a couple days late, but I just want to wish you ALL the Best! I hope you had a Great B-Day and wish you many more!
Take Good Care My Friend .
Martin J.
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