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06/15/15 04:50 PM #156    

Judith Baron (Khaner)

Hope 2015 is going well for everyone.  Thank you to those of you who saw the message about my being chosen as one of five finalists in the 2015 Heritage Ohio Preservation Photography Contest and voted for my Cleveland Arcade photo.  I won the contestI  My photograph will be featured on a future Revitalize Ohio Magazine.

I fondly remember my daily walks through the Arcade as I worked downtown one summer in the late '60's.  I revisted and photographed the majestic site a few months ago during a field trip with my camera club.  I had photographed the magnificent Arcade long ago in my mind; now I took an actual photograph to share with over 3500 people online!      


06/19/15 08:25 PM #157    


Diane Rubin (Williams)

judy, i am so happy for you.  your photos are very artistic.  happy birthday.  diane

06/20/15 03:03 PM #158    

Judith Baron (Khaner)

Thanks, Diane.  We spent a lot of time studying for tests together in our homes (World History or American History???); you always outscored me!  Anyway, I look forward to seeing you during the reunion weekend. 

06/27/15 03:19 PM #159    


Betsy Verne (Franco)

Hi, everyone,

About the reunion:  Just by coincidence, my brother is having an art show for my sons James and Tom Franco at the Verne Gallery on Saturday, July 18, 6:30 - 9:00, at 2207 Murray Hill Road. On Sunday, Tom will be giving a talk at 2:00.

Since the Franco show/family reunion is overlapping with the high school reunion, I can't attend most events, but I'm staying at the Embassy Suites in the hopes of running into people there, especially for breakfast or brunch.  I'll be coming in late Friday and might catch anyone who is still at the party.   Betsy

06/29/15 01:58 PM #160    


Betsy Verne (Franco)

I forgot to say that everyone's invited to the Franco Brothers Art Show and Tom's talk at the Verne Gallery .  Both are free.  Obviously the Saturday event overlaps with the big reunion night, but just wanted to make sure to invite everyone anyway.

06/30/15 10:40 PM #161    


Edward Torchy Smith

BETSY....After your Gallery event on the HILL.  Bring the whole family to Beechmont.  We will all still be there.....well on second thought, at least most of us can stay up that late with no curfew imposed. 

07/03/15 02:05 AM #162    


Annellen Minkin (Simpkins)

Hello Everyone! Our son is getting married on August 9 and then I have two sets of teaching workshops the two weeks before. I think three weeks in a row of cross country travel to also attend the reunion would just be too much, and so sadly, I have decided that I won't be attending the wonderful reunion weekend. I'll be thinking of you all and wishing you a lot of fun and happy memory sharing and memory making anew!  Warm wishes, Annellen




07/04/15 12:32 PM #163    


Janet Falkenburg (Vidmar)

Greetings Class of '65.

Since I'm writing this, I am obviously not able to be a part of the gala festivities.  However, I have a deep well of fondness and memories for all of you, your parents who touched my life, and the Shaker community as a whole.  I have always been grateful that I grew up in Shaker.  The environment remains beautiful in my mind, and the quality of the teachers outstanding.  This first became apparent to me during my freshman year in college, when I realized that my depth of knowledge and research skills exceeded those of my classmates.  Who knew, as I was hardly an academic standout in Shaker.  These skills have served me well over the decades, and when I read of your achievements in life, I realize my experiences have been replicated.

Although I have never returned to Shaker Heights or remained in contact with dear friends, you are all in my heart and a part of my life.  I am deeply grieved by those who have passed, and it is difficult to read of my friends who are gone.

Enjoy the 50th reunion, and cheers to you all.




07/04/15 03:26 PM #164    


Mimi Becker

Hi Janet,

What a thoughful and lovely note from you to the Class of '65. I'm glad that life continues to treat you well... And I will miss seeing you at reunion.

Take good care of yourself,









07/05/15 12:58 PM #165    


Marlene Mesnick (Colon)

You are so adorable ...cannot wait to see you.  Thinking to post meet  Thur evening at Corky and Lenny at 6 or 7 for the class.  Call me to say hello 678-358-8331



07/05/15 04:03 PM #166    


Edward Torchy Smith

07/05/15 05:44 PM #167    


Gretchen Longley (Trosper)

Hi Torchy,

Many thanks you and the rest of the reunion committee for the super excellent job you have all done in putting this reunion together.  We appreciate it very much and are looking forward to seeing you and the others.

07/06/15 03:32 AM #168    

Bob Rose


I was hoping to be able to attend this reunion, see faces and touch bases again. It has become apparent that I cannot make it in order to complete concurrent changes for my business. I want to wish everyone well and know you will enjoy seeing one another again when you recall some of the times of our years at Shaker and beyond. Since I cannot attend, any classmates interested in writing directly to me is welcome to do so and I will respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you Torchy for being a prime motivator here. I will catch you in Tucson one day soon. I'll see rest of you in the next 50 year reunion. Like everyone of us, I would probably not be immediately recognizable if you passed me on the street either sooo...  then, .... between and .....nowThen



Only a year away from Shaker
About 2008 Big guy Goliath

07/06/15 09:44 PM #169    

Barbara Rosenberg

Hi, Rob, remember we were sequential in home room?  Would love to hear what transpired with you in between.

Best regards,

Barbara Rosenberg




07/09/15 11:52 PM #170    


Trish Rowe

Rob ~ Loved the pictures of then and now.  We will miss seeing you -- I was ready to trade horse stories ;)  That last picture.... looks like a child car seat behind you.  Grandpa??

07/10/15 01:50 PM #171    


Michael Siegel

Hi Trish.  You obviously missed an earlier posted picture of Rob with his family--including grandkids.

I haven't seen you since...bumping into you in Atlanta in 1970?



07/10/15 05:08 PM #172    


Edward Torchy Smith

On Friday night, JULY 17th, at The Embassy Suites Party we will be serving Hot Fudge Sundays at an ice cream bar with DRAEGER'S Hot Fudge.  

07/10/15 06:17 PM #173    


Karen Greenhut (Weinberg)

OMG! I will start saving my calories!!

07/10/15 09:17 PM #174    


Marlene Mesnick (Colon)

Oh favorite...can't wait!


07/11/15 02:26 PM #175    


Gerry Biggin (Draeger)

Great picture, Torchy!!  You are doing a GREAT job on everthing!!!!

07/12/15 07:27 AM #176    

Barbara Rosenberg

Great memory - in our dresses after dancing school. Meeting family for dinner, can we drop in for dessert?   Thx, Barbara




07/12/15 08:20 AM #177    

Fredric Berger

In case anyone is wondering... that's me and Mary Beth Jobe on the Draeger's label. We did that picture as an ad for the yearbook I believe. Ken says that's probably the last time I smiled like that!  love to all, especially ,Mary Beth. Sorry I won't be at the reunion..  Fred Berger, Fort Lauderdale

07/12/15 07:32 PM #178    


Betsy Verne (Franco)

That's an adorable ad. Thanks, Torchy, for doing such a beautiful job with this reunion. Betsy

07/13/15 07:44 PM #179    


Gretchen Longley (Trosper)

Looking forward to seeing Gerry and Fred Draeger and eating some of their delicious hot fudge!


07/13/15 09:33 PM #180    


Edward Torchy Smith

 new announcement from Gerald Keller :

Several classmates have connected with me about coming to my studio at 2151Murray Hill on Saturday afternoon after the Art Museum tour. I've also got work at the Art Museum's gift shop, so if anyone would like to peruse an expanded selection of Glass Artwork, or a gallery talk on fused glass, feel free to stop by the studio from 12:30 - 4.


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