50 Trivia Questions
CHS 1967
These questions were submitted by Rick Simmons from our 30th Class Reunion thanks Rick for these great questions!
1. Which faculty members were husband and wife?
2. Which faculty members were father and son?
3. Which 1966-67 faculty member was a ringmaster at the Celebration?
4. Which faculty member was a former minor league baseball player?
5. Which 1996-67 faculty member married which Class of 1967 member?
6. Why did school open briefly in August and then recess until early September?
7. What was the hottest homecoming event?
8. Which adult club raised funds to support CHS athletics by sponsoring a food booth at the ?
9. Which 1966-67 Eaglettes also played on a TSSAA State Championship Team?
10. Who was the only Eagle to achieve All Mid-State in football and basketball for all four years??
11. What former Eagle became Captain of the Austin Peay State University Football Team?
12. The Music Department consisted of what two divisions?
13. How many boys were Drum Major during our high school years?
14. What was the name of the school paper?
15. What letters were on the cheerleaders uniforms? A. SCHS B. CHS C. SC D. S
16. Girls out numbers boys in our class? True or False
17. What rodent had a column in the school paper?
18. Which Class of 1967 member served as a cheerleader all four years?
19. Which Class member was a majorette for all four years?
20. In what District and Region did the Eagles and Eaglettes play?
21. During which of our four years did the Eagles Varsity football team have a winning record?
22. Where were the homecoming floats built?
23. Who sponsored the Harvest Festival?
24. Who operated the concession stands for football season?
25. What was the name of the concession stand at the football field?
26. Which Class member became a walking horse trainer and twice served as a judge at the Celebration?
27. What band won the First Annual Chamber of Commerce Talent Show in 1964 and at the time included Phil Clark (drums) and Daniel Brasier (lead guitar) of our class?
28. What was the name of the new Shelbyville Youth Center that opened in July 1966 and hosted dances each Friday and Saturday night?
29. In addition to the new Shelbyville Youth Center, what was the other main off-campus location for weekend dances?
30. What Shelbyville restaurants were named after horse-related equipment?
31. Where were the public tennis courts?
32. Where did the Slow Pitch Softball Leagues play?
33. At the swimming pool, what was frequently attached to swim suits?
34. During the folk music heyday, where were the primary locations for singing under the stars on the weekends?
35. What annual summer event in a neighboring county had a pioneer theme?
36. What was the largest local annual Fourth of July event?
37. Who was our Head Football Coach our Senior Year?
38. Who was our Head Boys Basketball Coach our Senior Year?
39. Who could be seen around town dressed in bizarre or tacky fashion and would receive demerits for not obeying their Big Sisters?
40. How many sets of twins did we have in our class? Who were they?
41. As a senior, what did we no longer have to share with another student?
42. How many band directors were there during our high school years?
43. What column in the school paper reported on the latest styles?
44. What group was added to the marching band in our junior year?
45. In addition to football and basketball, what other sports teams did CHS have?
46. Which organizations performed daily duties to aid students and teachers?
47. When did the Annex become part of CHS, and what was it prior to that?
48. Who served as guides during Open House?
49. Where could you find the light on the tracks?
50. The parents of which Class of "67" owned Burger Chef?
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