50 Trivia Answers
CHS 1967
1. Which faculty members were husband and wife?
Tony Matusek-Assistant Principal, Coach, Mechanical Drawing
Carolyn Matusek-Home Economics
2. Which faculty members were father and son?
Col. Clyde Wherley-Machine Shop
Stephen Wherley-Mechanical Drawing, Arithmetic
3. Which 1966-67 faculty member was a ringmaster at the Celebration?
Ben Phillips Jr.-Chemistry, Physics, General Science (also President and King of the CHS Senior Class of 1962 and a member of the Golden Eagles Basketball Team)
4. Which faculty member was a former minor league baseball player?
John Stanford-Guidance Counselor, Coach Football and Baseball
5. Which 1996-67 faculty member married which Class of 1967 member?
Monty Thomas-General Business, English I and IV married Barbara Savage
6. Why did school open briefly in August and then recess until early September?
To enable students to participate in the Celebration, such as working in food booths, presenting ribbons, and working as ushers, showing horses or just watching the show
7. What was the hottest homecoming event?
8. Which adult club raised funds to support CHS athletics by sponsoring a food booth at the ?
Quarterback Club
9. Which 1966-67 Eaglettes also played on a TSSAA State Championship Team?
Rose Buchanan, and Estella Peacock at Harris High School
10. Who was the only Eagle to achieve All Mid-State in football and basketball for all four years?
James Claybourne
11. What former Eagle became Captain of the Austin Peay State University Football Team?
Bill Blair
12. The Music Department consisted of what two divisions?
Band and Chorus
13. How many boys were Drum Major during our high school years?
None were Drum Majors at CHS. James Fishback was Drum Major at Harris High School becoming to CHS. The girls who served as Drum Major were: Jo Ann Shofner-1963-64, Joyce Kesner-1964-65, Linda Pope-1965-66, Miriam Burton-1966-67
14. What was the name of the school paper?
Central Echo
15. What letters were on the cheerleaders uniforms? A. SCHS B. CHS C. SC D. S
16. Girls out numbers boys in our class? True or False
False-Boys 125, Girls 120
17. What rodent had a column in the school paper?
Herbert Mouse
18. Which Class of 1967 member served as a cheerleader all four years?
May Burton Lytle-Captain Senior Year
19. Which Class member was a majorette for all four years?
Peggy Arnold
20. In what District and Region did the Eagles and Eaglettes play?
District 24, Region 6
21. During which of our four years did the Eagles Varsity football team have a winning record?
Senior Year-6-4
Junior Year-5-5
22. Where were the homecoming floats built?
Dixie Service Station, Harvey Canady's Garage, Coca-Cola Building
23. Who sponsored the Harvest Festival?
Future Homemakers of America (FHA) and Future Farmers of America (FFA)
24. Who operated the concession stands for football season?
The Student Council operated both the main concession stand the popcorn booth
25. What was the name of the concession stand at the football field?
Eagles Nest
26. Which Class member became a walking horse trainer and twice served as a judge at the Celebration?
Billy Morgan
27. What band won the First Annual Chamber of Commerce Talent Show in 1964 and at the time included Phil Clark (drums) and Daniel Brasier (lead guitar) of our class?
28. What was the name of the new Shelbyville Youth Center that opened in July 1966 and hosted dances each Friday and Saturday night?
The Cellar
29. In addition to the new Shelbyville Youth Center, what was the other main off-campus location for weekend dances?
American Legion Center
30. What Shelbyville restaurants were named after horse-related equipment?
Saddle, Bridle, Stirrup, and Golden Spur
31. Where were the public tennis courts?
Musgrave Park next to the Little League Fields
32. Where did the Slow Pitch Softball Leagues play?
Never Rest Park
33. At the swimming pool, what was frequently attached to swim suits?
A safety pin with a number matching that on the wire basket in which street clothes were stored
34. During the folk music heyday, where were the primary locations for singing under the stars on the weekends?
Dement's Bridge, Mill Road, Center Church Road
35. What annual summer event in a neighboring county had a pioneer theme?
Lynchburg Frontier Week. People dressed in period costumes. There were pioneer style exhibits. a best beard and mustache contest, square dance, ride-a-thon, food and games.
36. What was the largest local annual Fourth of July event?
Fourth of July Picnic at Halls Mill sponsored by the Triangle Community Improvement Club. Attractions included baseball games, fried fish, horse shoes, barbecued chicken, plate lunches, carnival style games, dunking booth, ice cream supper
37. Who was our Head Football Coach our Senior Year?
Doug Langston
38. Who was our Head Boys Basketball Coach our Senior Year?
Wallace Hancock
39. Who could be seen around town dressed in bizarre or tacky fashion and would receive demerits for not obeying their Big Sisters?
Prospective new members of the Sub Debs
40. How many sets of twins did we have in our class? Who were they?
Two: Karen and Sharon McClanahan and Pamela and Paula St. Clair
41. As a senior, what did we no longer have to share with another student?
We had our own locker. Rank had its privileges.
42. How many band directors were there during our high school years?
Fresham Year:Jeffrey Ellinwood
Sophomore-Junior Year:Gleen Moore
Senior Year: John Simms
43. What column in the school paper reported on the latest styles?
Fad's 'N Fashions
44. What group was added to the marching band in our junior year?
Color Guard
45. In addition to football and basketball, what other sports teams did CHS have?
Track and Baseball
46. Which organizations performed daily duties to aid students and teachers?
Office, Library and Biology Assistants
47. When did the Annex become part of CHS, and what was it prior to that?
Our Sophomore Year and it was used as Central Elementary School
48. Who served as guides during Open House?
Future Teachers
49. Where could you find the light on the tracks?
Chapel Hill, TN
50. The parents of which Class of "67" owned Burger Chef?
Samie Manire
The TV Show I Spy in the 60's