Steve Farmer

Profile Updated: July 26, 2016
Steve Farmer
Residing In: Hendersonville/Nashville, TN USA
Homepage: View Website
Occupation: Musician, piano, with country star Sammy Kershaw
Yes! Attending Reunion

I'm turning FIFTY -- 50! -- next week! QUICK, someone console me!!!!! :P As of today (July 19, 2012), I have one more week of 40's! (bday July 26) And I just turned "lordy lordy 40" just the other day, it seems! GAWD! Some of you have passed through the 50 portal already.. the rest of you are about to as well.. my turn! Ok... start consoling! I need messages.. get me through it! :P (and im half serious lol)......


Hey guys!! =) Wow!! THIRTY years later! Good lord! : )~ It "happened", huh? We became... "old"! Well, not old to us NOW, huh? ;-) More, including pics, on the way here (or just add me on facebook at the link above.... tons of pics on there), if you know me and care to take a look at "Steve Farmer" today, after aaaall these years have slipped by. I'm STILL me though, inside here, and you probably are too, inside yourself there, at least to some degree.

After moving from Kentucky and living there in SV for 10+ years (starting in the 6th grade for me) and ending with (after the good ol Buena days) going to UA for two years, then Cochise college for one year, I moved back to Kentucky with the family. The long boring (to you anyway, lol) remaining story of my own life began. So.. long story short... I never married, but for those of you who knew them, both my brothers (Rod and Jim) are married, and they have families. My mom and dad, Rod, Jim, as well as nearly all my extended family, are all now still living in Winchester, KY, my hometown birthplace. But AZ, after all these years, still holds a place and fond memories to my immediate Farmer family. Who could ever forget Village Inn pizza late at night, or "Surplus City", or the (finally!) "new" movie theater back around the corner from Thrifty drug store (with their 5 and 10 cent ice cream cones! least it was when we first moved to SV), or just driving up to "the patch" on post and watching a lightning storm from there?? Or the good ol marching/concert band days, or the choirs (I was the accompanist) and Mrs. Buker's "kids! It's not funny. It's sad!" rebuking comment to the high school snickers of what "should have been 'serious' things" =) Or going off to college for the first time, up in good ol Tucson, at UA. Life memories, SOOOO many of them, many forgotten and merely needing brought back to memory, of people and places, moments and events, all distant now but still deeply embedded, will always remain.

I've now been living in central Tennessee (Nashville area, currently in Hendersonville) for the past 14+ years (went back to music school at Belmont University when I first moved here, then MTSU as well, in recording industry production and also in computer science, thanks to the ol Buena programming classes birthing an afinity and interest in that field), and I've now been making a living primarily in music for the past 7 years (busy playing piano/keys on the road with Sammy Kershaw and band... see, or and search his name). I picked up a few degrees in music related and computer/electronic related fields along the way, worked various jobs including for a small family owned printing company in my early 20's, and ending with working at the Toyota plant in Georgetown, KY, before quitting and making the move to Nashville with the "hopes" of finding a place in the music buisness and making a living at it (I'm one of the few fortunate in that regard!... thank You, Lord!), currently own some rental property (a duplex) as well as my own home of which I'm about to finish/remodel the basement (do all the work myself) and then rent THAT out, with plans to possibly move on from there to yet more property, God willing. I don't care about, or want to merely "make money". I just want a simple life, and financial freedom ;-) Making smart, informed choices, as well as hard work, can lead to that, even at "our age". Hey! We're not old!! (ha!) : )~ But vastly beyond mere materialism, there's a completely higher purpose and importance in life. You'll read about that a little bit below ;-)

In looking back on life, with the maturity of realization that has probably come for most us after finding ourselves now looking at soon being FIFTY years old (!!!!.. can you beLEIVE that??? gaaaawd! ...lots of years, taken so long, but so fast at the same time), I know that life is far more about your internal perceptions than your external accumulations. You can "touch" stuff, but you FEEL what's in you. And so, there's years of "feel" piled up in us all now. I hope your years have been good! Send me a note! =)

There's the jist, with the most important being that Jesus Christ is my (and your) maker and redeemer ;-) I hope you know that, and that you KNOW Him. You need to. It's ALL about Him, and always has been, for EVERY person who has ever lived on this earth. EVERYone. I'm NOT "religious". Mere "religion" is completely worthless and meaningless. KNOWing Him is what it's all about. There IS nothing else, and it's all that really matters, period. And you can know Him, and know His reality. Again, I hope you do. If you're questioning that, ask me. I'll gladly tell you about my own ongoing process of coming to know Him.. and His drawing ME to HIM. That's really what's going on. Anything else is merely more "religion". He, however, is the real thing.

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Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2024 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2023 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2022 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2021 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2020 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer posted a message.
Jul 09, 2020 at 5:37 AM

Welcome back to the fold, Chris! :)

Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2019 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2018 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2017 at 2:33 AM
Steve Farmer updated profile. View.
Jul 26, 2016 at 10:06 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2016 at 2:36 AM
Steve Farmer has a birthday today.
Jul 26, 2015 at 2:34 AM
Steve Farmer has left an In Memory comment for John Fillmore.
Mar 30, 2015 at 2:33 AM

Rest in Peace, buddy! I was proud to be both your, and your sister Margaret's friend back in the ol Buena days! Wish I could have kept in touch through the years, John, and I hope somehow you're able even now to know these words I'm saying!

Your friend,


Steve Farmer has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Dec 17, 2014 at 2:33 PM

Wish I'd known you better, Greg! Always remembered you, especially from the ol computer room, with Mister Wells, Mrs. Bjornstad, etc. :) My prayers are now with your family and friends.. we're all just waiting "our own turn" to follow where you have gone.. and I pray we ALL know who the Source of True Life Is! Regardless of ANYthing... He is Creator, Lord, and the Coming King of kings... 100%, absloutely! I desire that you are with Him now, Greg!


Not to use Greg's page as a platform to blab "religion" (it's not at ALL ABOUT "religion"!! It's MUCH bigger.. infinitely bigger.. and infinitely more important!).. but because there's NOTHING more important in life.. at ALL.. here ya go! ;-) ...... check em out. This is just barely, barely, BARELY scratching the surface of what is indeed infinite! He Is .....

How do you know there is a God? (Ravi Zacharias)

How do we know that God is Real ?

Theory of Everything - Trey Smith

Ravi Zacharias (and John Lennox) Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 1


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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Graduation, 1980.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Christmas with the family, December 1978. I'm on the left, 16 years old, 11th grade. Gosh!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Hmmm, I don't really remember when this was.. early 80's probably.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Family, late 70's (?)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Graduation, 1980. That's Pam (Curtis), and my brothers Jim and Rod.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Maybe early 80's(?). Me on the right, my older brother Rod on left. One of the "canyons" on post (Carter canyon?? I don't remember the name for sure)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
July 2009
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
July 2009
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
July 2009
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:51 PM
