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In Memory

Marsha (Sue) McIntosh VIEW PROFILE

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05/03/22 04:14 PM #1    

Antonio Magri

Dear  Marsha (Sue) McIntosh. We were in the same Homeroom with Mr. Dalton if my memory serves me right. I remember you well. Sorry to hear of your untimely death back in 2021. May you rest in peace and condolences to you family. Anthony formerly Antonio Magri.

05/04/22 01:35 PM #2    

Cynthia Kinsey (Eller)

Sue, I'm heartbroken over your passing. I remember your wedding and the births of your children. Thanks for being a bridesmaid in my wedding!  We had so many good times together. I remember when we were going to be roommates and share a house together. Then you moved away and I moved away.  We lost touch and I regret that. I'm crying as I write this my friend. Rest In Peace dear Sue.  My condolences to your family.





05/04/22 04:42 PM #3    

Oren Kaplan

On the eve of our 50 year reunion; fond memories of the way we knew you:

05/04/22 06:29 PM #4    

Theresa (Terry) Bee (Burke)

So sorry to hear of Sue's passing! We hung out together in 9th grade as new friends as I transitioned into public school from parochial school. Thanks for being my friend Sue and regret that we lost touch in the big high school.  Those were certainly very different times way back then. Condolences to your family. 

05/13/22 12:14 PM #5    

Shari Faina

Sue and I grew up on the same street, although at opposite ends. We were always friends, just not " best" friends until we double dated for the senior prom. My biggest memory of the night was after the prom we drove up to see the lake and the new planned city of Columbia Maryland!  It was mostly hills of dirt and construction equipment. Rest In Peace sweet girl. 

08/09/23 04:08 PM #6    

Brian Morse

Sue, you were a neighbor and friend. So sorry to hear of your passing. I wish we had recently seen more of each other😍

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