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08/09/09 06:19 PM #27    

Martha Moos

I am so much more than e-resistant Mary Jo. But I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Thanks to everyone who put forth the effort to do this! Where the heck is the 400 Club?

08/15/09 05:19 PM #28    

Mary Jo Buttweiler (Brueggeman)

Hello to everyone who was and was not able to make the reunion last night. It was very very fun to see so many classmates. May I say you all look dashing, and have not changed a bit :)

Many many thanks to the organizers, very much appreciated. And those of you unable to make, be sure to get there next time. We missed you. mary jo

08/15/09 11:06 PM #29    

Sandra Uphoff (Brastad)

Great fun last night at the reunion a big THANKS to all who organized it you did a awesome job. Seeing so many familiar faces brought back many fond memories and of course the laughter of stories told. CHS we are a proud bunch of Catholics!!

08/18/09 02:35 PM #30    

Sandra Becker (Theisen)

Thanks to everyone who invested all the time and effort into the Reunion. It was a blast..from the past! Next time though we could do without the band. Everyone was so busy talking and reminiscing and you couldn't hear over the music. Thanks again and it was great to see everyone!

08/19/09 03:43 PM #31    


Jerry Gohl

I wanted to echo Sandy B-T's comments about the band and how loud it was... I didn't have much of a voice left by Saturday morning... But, it sure was fun seeing everyone and laughing about our CHS stories... Those 'Carnival' photos were great! We need to leave our 'Class of 69' Web portal open going forward so more classmates can 'hop on board'. Thanks Frank!

08/20/09 07:27 PM #32    

Mary Jo Buttweiler (Brueggeman)

I meant to say a BIG thanks and say how correct you are to Sue Dombovy re: the state of health care in the US. Thanks Sue, as a life long participant, provider, manager, administrator and receiver of health care, all I can say is, please do not believe all the talk radio scare messages: heath care MUST change, and it must do so soon. Thanks Sue. mj

08/24/09 11:10 PM #33    

Pat Schneider

I really enjoyed looking at the class reunion photo's. Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves. Unfortunately, I had previous committments and was unable to attend. I promise to all and especially myself not to miss the next gathering.
Pat Schneider

10/29/09 04:11 PM #34    


Jerry Gohl

Since our reunion get together at the 400 Club on 8-14, the activity on this Class of 69 site... has slowed to a snail's pace.... Good to see those additional profiles added since August...

11/10/09 08:28 PM #35    

John Justin

Today 11-10-09 is the Marine Corps birthday. Greetings to all our classmates who served in the Marines and as HospitalCorpsmen. Tomorrow is Veterans days. Lets pray for all the veterans from our class.

12/23/09 03:36 PM #36    


Jerry Gohl

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to the Class of 69'. For those of you living in Minnesota, brace yourself for the snow storm that will be hitting us on 12-24; just in time for Santa's arrival...

03/11/10 01:11 PM #37    


Jerry Gohl

Tom Przybilla... thanks for that great memorial tribute to our fellow class mate and your dear friend, Pat Denne. Keep alive all the great memories of Pat over these many years. This CHS-69 site helps share that with all of us!!!

05/10/10 11:58 PM #38    

Ruth O'Connell

So like 41 years ago tonight - May 10, 1969, several of us were having a blast at CHS `69 Prom.....

06/01/10 05:19 PM #39    


Jerry Gohl

Ruth... Who was your date to the Sr. Prom.. on May 10, 1969??

06/08/10 09:34 AM #40    

Ruth O'Connell

Dick Athman - handsome as ever!

06/08/10 09:36 AM #41    

Ruth O'Connell

Memories of Senior Trip 1968 - just fufilled a long-time dream & took my children, David 26 & Emily 23, to Washington DC - one of, if not the most beautiful US city.

06/10/10 04:23 PM #42    


Jerry Gohl

Susan Schnobrich.   Loved those gals in our CHS 'Drum & Bugle Corps'.   Ruth, are we the only two using this site??

06/10/10 04:25 PM #43    


Jerry Gohl

I was in DC two years ago.... The Korean War Memorial... at night was awesome..As was the WW-II Memorial. Did you get a visit with Senator Amy Klobuchar?   She does those every Thursday... and her staff members give you a tour of the Senate chambers...

11/11/10 02:57 PM #44    


Jerry Gohl

On this Veterans Day 2011, I salute all my classmates who served in the military.. or still serving in the military.. or have sons or daughters in the military.   Thirteen of us have US flags by our profile names (and whatever that flag Tom Stockinger is 'flying').   THANK YOU!!!

08/26/11 02:12 PM #45    


Jerry Gohl

This site has 'Minnesota Moss' growing on it....  

04/10/12 10:10 PM #46    


Jerry Gohl

Please keep a fellow 69' classmate of our's in your thoughts and prayers;   Keith Kulzer.  Keith is battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer.   Pat Welch called me tonight with an update, and the prognosis is not good.   Keith is a long time friend of mine from Sauk Rapids.

08/12/19 08:32 PM #47    

Mary Murn (Erickson)

Thanks for a great 50th reunion.  Glad to visit with all I spoke with and sad for more I missed   BIG THANKS TO THE PLANNING COMMITTEE for all their hard work  

Always anxiety producing to see old friends from the past but a great reminder of where I started and lol who contributed to the person I have become  

Good wishes to you all for the next 50 !!!

06/22/24 03:54 PM #48    

Debra Hagen (Johnson)

 Hi All,  I was just informed of this site by Laurie Sundberg. 
 It'll be great to catch up on what everyone is up to 


09/08/24 11:53 PM #49    

Catherine Kub (Williams)

I hope to see some of you on Saturday night at The Ultimate! Cathy Kub Williams




09/09/24 09:16 AM #50    


Rev. Steve Binsfeld

I have to say that I love retirement.  I have learned two new words these last three years: brunch and nap.  They are great words and good practices to maintain.  I do, however, miss the interaction with people I had as a pastor in various places: Waite Park, St Anna and Opole, St Mary's Cathedral,and Alexandria.  Each place has wonderful, faith-filled folk who were both encouraging and challenging.  In retirement I do some replacement work--Sauk Rapids, Sartell, St Stephen and Mayhew Lake; some Masses at St Scholastica Convent with some of the great women who taught me both in grade school and at Cathedral.  It is always a privilege. Slowly a new normal is emerging.  I have the time now to do some painting and drawing, reading, writing and some committee work on the Diocesan Building Commission, Liturgy Commission and an Ad Hoc Committee on Liturgical Norms.  I have joined the choir at the Cathedral and am thinking of starting a small choir of 8 just for the joy of singing great music.  I continue to organize pilgrimages to significant places in Europe, although that is become more of a challenge with my neuropathy.  But push on I do...and I enjoy it.  My life as "a private citizen" (to some degree) is beginning to emerge.  But the greatest gift to me is connecting more with my siblings and their families. All of  my brothers are now retired;  my sister is still teaching.  So we do a lot together.  That is a great blessing.  So...for the many blessings, thanks be to God.

09/16/24 02:28 PM #51    


Jeff Baumgartner

Thanks to everyone who put together the event.  It was great seeing so many classmates.  Wished I could have visited with more .  Glad I brought my wife along.  Her charm sheltered me from any barrage of insults.  Just kidding.  It was fun.



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