Rev. Steve Binsfeld
I have to say that I love retirement. I have learned two new words these last three years: brunch and nap. They are great words and good practices to maintain. I do, however, miss the interaction with people I had as a pastor in various places: Waite Park, St Anna and Opole, St Mary's Cathedral,and Alexandria. Each place has wonderful, faith-filled folk who were both encouraging and challenging. In retirement I do some replacement work--Sauk Rapids, Sartell, St Stephen and Mayhew Lake; some Masses at St Scholastica Convent with some of the great women who taught me both in grade school and at Cathedral. It is always a privilege. Slowly a new normal is emerging. I have the time now to do some painting and drawing, reading, writing and some committee work on the Diocesan Building Commission, Liturgy Commission and an Ad Hoc Committee on Liturgical Norms. I have joined the choir at the Cathedral and am thinking of starting a small choir of 8 just for the joy of singing great music. I continue to organize pilgrimages to significant places in Europe, although that is become more of a challenge with my neuropathy. But push on I do...and I enjoy it. My life as "a private citizen" (to some degree) is beginning to emerge. But the greatest gift to me is connecting more with my siblings and their families. All of my brothers are now retired; my sister is still teaching. So we do a lot together. That is a great blessing. So...for the many blessings, thanks be to God.