In Memory


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01/10/18 11:23 AM #1    

Gary Bell

Sorry to hear about Bill's passing.  He was my next door neighbor when we were kids.  I worked for his dad at Westab while in college.  Bill was as easy going as anyone I knew and alway fun to hang out with.

01/10/18 02:46 PM #2    

Thomas G. Angsten

Wow, my ole buddy from yesteryear. Haven't seen Bill much lately but in High School we were pretty good friends. Ran around together a whole lot.  Easygoing, yes, more than anyone else I knew.   Have known Bill since early grade school and have always liked him.  Bill will always be in my thoughts.   

05/28/24 09:53 AM #3    

James Grimes

What can I say about Bill other than he was a great guy and a great friend.  We literallly grew up together. We were babies together in the nursery at Savannah Ave. Baptist church. We went to Sunday School, grade school, and high school together.  He was probably my oldest friend other than my brothers. When I was in the Marines we would write each other. I got a kick out of him telling me how hard Air Force boot camp was. We played on the church softball team and basketball team together for years.  I was not his best friend but I was his oldest. Miss you Bill. Hope to see you you heaven. 

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