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One more year, at old WireRope(44). and on to full time Auctions and DOOO! nothing. Love my Auctioneering and being on my tractors,etc. on my families ground. Ben Blessed so far!!

Terry, I am so sorry to hear you lost Chris. Thanking and Praying for you and your family. Debi Shaffer-Miles


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Saint Joseph News Press 10/21/2012, Page E001

Cashing in on geocaching

Geocoins becoming an art and an investment


St. Joseph News-Press

Technology has pro­duced a growing hobby for collectors that one St. Joseph man hopes to “cache” in on.

Steve Allen is a build­ing inspector for the city of St. Joseph; but in cyberspace and in geocaching circles, he is known as Mo Pirate. He has become a major promoter in this area of his hobby geocaching, which is a worldwide game of searching for hidden treasures using a GPS device. And this month he became an award-winning geocoin designer at the United States Geocoin Fest in Colorado.

“They tweaked it a little from my original,” Mr. Allen says.

Geocoins, for the geocaching novice, are trackable coins cre­ated by geocachers to commemorate special events or as a signature item to leave in geo­caches. They usually
have a number on them which allows them to be followed.

For the annual Geocoin Fest held Oct. 5 to 7 in Denver, more than 1,200 people attended, some coming from as far as Australia.

Mr. Allen came up with a three-dimensional coin that looks like a pan for finding gold. Inside the pan are what looks like small pieces of gold nug­get with blue water on the bottom. Then around the edge of the pan it says, “I struck it rich! Geocoins­fest 2012 Colorado.” He made limited numbers of geocoins in antique gold, antique silver and a copper-like finish.

“Copper would be his­torically correct,” he says. A history major in college, Mr. Allen has found designing coins with a historical bent has become his niche in this modern pastime. The first coins he made were for the Pony Express and the Pony Express an­niversary. He has gone on to make one for the 75th anniversary of the Hindenberg, Amelia Ear­hart’s 75th anniversary of being missing and his most popular to date: the Titanic’s 100th anniver­sary, among others.

“(The Titanic) has a life ring with a magnetized path tag in the center of the ring to show the water, the ripples and the hull of the ship,” he explains.

A “pathtag” is usually a smaller coin made of magnetic steel so it can stick to the coin. The life preserver has a real mini rope around its outside. There are brass crimps to hold the loop ends of the rope. Then the flip side of the coin shows the ship as it is about to encounter the iceberg. Three ver­sions were made.

“You want to get it out to the public as fast as you can to see what they think,” he says. But as he came up with new ideas, he modified the coin. And they are selling fast at around $20 a piece.

To make a coin can be a long, and tedious, procedure, he says, since it is usually done with a company overseas.

“I would like to have them done by a mint in the U.S., but unfortu­nately, they are all over in China,” he says.

He exchanges designs back and forth over the computer, but he really doesn’t know what it will look like for sure until he receives them in the mail. And you have to buy them upfront, hoping you can sell them at geocach­ing events, on eBay and geocaching websites.

Although he is only making enough money to support his hobby, it’s possible it could lead to something more. Some coins, such as one called “Tranquility,” are selling for more than $200 each.

“It’s something I hope I can do when I retire,” he says.

And who knows? With the way the economy is shaping up, his geocoins might serve him better than money in the bank.

Sylvia Anderson can be reached at Follow her on Twitter:@SJNPAnderson.


Sylvia Anderson St. Joseph News-Press

Steve Allen won an award for these geocaching coins.

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Copyright © 2012 Saint Joseph News Press 10/21/2012



Why is it that all the Cool kids went to Humboldt?

Hi everyone, I just looked at the 40th reunion photos and it looks like everyone had a great time. Sadly, I had every intention of attending and after my last posting of that, I just wanted to post that I am fortunate that both of my parents are still living, but elderly. My Mother had to have a procedure done and I had to be there for her. She is ok, and maybe if the Lord is willing I'll make the next reunion. Best wishes to all. Deb Black Comstock

I wanted to let you all know how much it meant to me to get to see everyone. It is too bad we can only do this once every five years. What a great time everyone seemed to have. I wanted to personally thank everyone who put the reunion together, I know it took a lot of work. I only wish I lived closer, so I could help. The Benton Club was a great place to have the reunion, good food and drinks and plenty of room for all of us. I am not sure the stairs were quite big enough to hold us all for the picture, but we squeezed in there. I especially liked the tour of Lafayette, gosh what memories. It brought out some of the old orneriness, at least in my thoughts, from our high school days. It was good to see old friends, I only wish we could have had more time to visit. Thanks for making our 40th a wonderful memory! Good job to all who helped put it together.
Larry Sparks
