Update - we hit our target!
The class contributed $16,275 to the President's Fund for Racial Justice during June 2021. Thanks, everyone!
Date: March 30, 2021
To: The Classmates who haven't opted out of fundraising letters
Via: The College email contact system
From: Rich
Giving Back to Swarthmore After 50 Years
Fifty years ago, Swarthmore College handed us our diplomas, wished us good luck with our futures, and launched us out into the world. For some of us, the launch was a smooth take-off; for others, it was a bit more (or lot more) of a sputtering launch. But whether we immediately landed on our feet, or whether it took several, or even many, years, to find our footing, we think it safe to say that, looking back, were it not for what Swarthmore gave us, we would not be where we are today.
As for what Swarthmore’s gift to us may have been, it could have been one or more of many different things: perhaps a solid start in the field we chose to work in; making friends who have stayed friends for life; opening us up to an entirely different way of looking at the world; introducing us to a life-long partner; or giving us a cause or causes to believe in and fight for. The potential list is no doubt long. And, if we reflect on how Swarthmore changed our lives, there can be little question that our years at Swarthmore have made a positive, meaningful, and valuable contribution.
We know that many of you have been generously giving to Swarthmore over the years. But, with this being our 50th Reunion, we are asking the members of our class to step up even further in our giving to Swarthmore. You can give to one of many funds at Swarthmore and your gift will count towards our 50th reunion total. While all gifts supporting Swarthmore are important, for this last month of our Reunion we’ve selected the President’s Fund for Racial Justice as our target fund for giving.
For those of you who don’t know, President Valerie Smith created the Fund for Racial Justice in keeping with Swarthmore College’s steadfast commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and its mission of educating students, promoting social justice, and serving the common good. It will support Swarthmore programs both off-campus (for example, the Chester Children’s Chorus) and on campus with the resources going to support courses focusing on issues of racial and social justice.
So, we’ve set an ambitious goal of raising $15,000. Here’s how to contribute.
Swarthmore College
Attn: Gift Records
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
We will be monitoring the totals and report on June 15th as to whether we’ve met (or hopefully exceeded) the goal.
See also our Make a Gift page for other suggestions on how to give.