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In Memory

Kim Koch

From 25th Reunion Book, 1996:

Kim I. Koch was killed in an automobile accident in Wisconsin in April, 1977. Not even six years after graduation ....

Kim came to Swarthmore each September, tanned and strong from working the summer as a wilderness adventure instructor in Minnesota. It was amazing to me that she actually dropped one dress size through the college year as her arm and shoulder muscles forgot that they were meant for the paddling and portage of canoes! Her summer job (and I believe she went back to this after graduation) was perfect for Kim. There was nothing she liked better than being outdoors, involved in physical adventures. Her outdoor awareness was incredible: she could forecast the weather by looking at the sky and "feeling" the air. Kim was happy outdoors and sharing wilderness adventures with others was her joy.

Classical music was another of Kim's interests. She played the cello and also had a beautiful singing voice. Music seemed to provide her serenity and balance and she shared her appreciation and talent with us.

Kim's fine sense of humor is one of my fondest memories of her. She was always ready to laugh and could see the humor in many situations. Her enthusiasm and humor made even the dullest tasks seem like fun. Working the dishbelt with Kim was always a treat: she took the hardest jobs and laughed and clowned so much that we (almost) wished we could have a longer shift!

Kim did not always enjoy the Swarthmore environment. She questioned the moral climate and was not entirely comfortable with the formalities of east coast living and the indoor life. But she returned to Swarthmore each September, ready to learn and laugh and grow. We shared only a few years of her short life but the memory of Kim brings an easy smile.

(Submitted by Sylvia K. Humphrey)
