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In Memory

Guy Yates

From the 25th Reunion Book, 1996:

In a class of unique, multi-talented individuals at Swarthmore, there was no one quite like Guy Moulton Yates. A "haole" (Hawaiian slang for Caucasian) from Hawaii, Guy came East for prep school at St. Alban's and stayed for College.

Guy is probably best remembered for his enthusiasm, optimism, and desire to help others. He organized an atypical community outreach program-giving coffee to early-morning commuters at the Swarthmore train station, asking only a smile in return. I guess I remember this in particular because it was so like Guy--not politically correct--doing something for commuters (businesspeople)!! It wasn't that he didn't care about the more traditional charities. He also volunteered as a tutor and made trips to Chester and hospitals and old age homes. But he refused to let others dictate the politically correct actions for him.

Guy was a champion of lost causes. He was a key mover in the Campus Conservative Club (if it had ten members I'd be surprised), one of the few members of the Phi (Kappa Psi?)something (the weakest of all fratemities),and helped organize an extracurricular band. On aainstream music for Swarthmore in those years.

Although he didn't need the money, Guy held a variety of part time jobs, working in the fieldhouse, library, admissions office and on the dishbelt at Sharples. However, he spent most of his earnings on charity or small gifts or cards for others and was always broke before payday.

An intellectual conservative (actually, more of a libertarian), Guy was also a conscientious objector and did alternative service at Friends Hospital in North Philly for two years after graduation. He then returned to Hawaii where he received a Masters in Mathematics. Based on his 4.0 average, he was admitted to U of Hawaii medical school and became a doctor.

Rather than pursue a lucrative specialty or private practice, Guy chose to work at the Kaiser Permanente HMO in Honolulu where he did what he always did--helped others. Guy passed away on June 17, 1988 after a long illness.

(Submitted by Tom Bates)