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•   Layne Howard  6/6
•   Donnie Wright  11/26
•   Linda Gooch (Thompson)  9/3
•   Donna Wilemon (Sullivan)  3/26
•   Michele Raper (Rittenhouse)  1/9
•   Nancy Westmoreland (Golding)  9/5
•   Charlie Hankins  5/10
•   Pat Murphy (Findlan)  4/27
•   Rose Anderson (McCoy)  4/26
•   Leigh Hamric  4/24
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•   Margaret Farrar (Robinson)  9/23
•   David Pierce  9/26
•   Joanna Boyd (Megginson)  9/27
•   Tommy Gurley  9/28
•   Steve Wilson  10/6
•   Carolyn Montgomery (Moore)  10/8
•   Curtis Tate  10/8
•   Anne Patterson  10/11
•   Judy Laney (Dunaway)  10/13
•   Clark Adams  10/16
•   Patti Spain (Harwood)  10/16
•   Lera Wiley (Triplett)  10/18
•   Randy McMickin  10/19
•   Pat Murphy (Findlan)  10/19
•   Cindy Wiggins (Wood)  10/20
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•   Kenny Keith  2024
•   Jake Davis  2024
•   Butch Bratton  2024
•   Terry Sides  2023
•   Patty Philips (Brock)  2024
•   Ronald Gibson  2023
•   Gary Enis  2023
•   Thomas Scott  2022
•   Barry Tucker  2022
•   Gary Malone  2022
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 77.5%

A:   176   Joined
B:   51   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

10 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arkansas
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in District Of Columbia
7 live in Florida
6 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
4 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
122 live in Mississippi
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in New York
4 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
3 live in South Carolina
12 live in Tennessee
12 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Panama
27 location unknown
60 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome Classmates

Welcome to the Tupelo High Class Of 1970 web site. Even if you weren't able to attend or were not interested in attending our 50th Reunion, I think you'll find this website can be like a "virtual reunion." Take a few minutes to learn your way around. Bookmark this page and check back often because the content will be updated frequently.



This website has been running "ad-free" since it was started in 2010.  Rather than continuing to pay an annual fee of $165, we have decided to start letting them run an occasional advertisement on the website, thus eliminating the annual fee altogether. We hope you will not find those ads too obnoxious.

One other thing.  We have also been paying a separate annual fee to keep the domain name ( each year, and we will continue doing so. As long as we continue renewing the domain name, you will sign in with that web address.  However. starting in May, the "address bar" at the top of you browser will show a change to "" to allow us to come under their "Secure Certificate." As always, only registered users (your classmates) are able to view the content on the webisite beyond the Home Page.  Our website has always been as secure as our individual passwords to the site. This change will not affect how you navigate through the website.


Look Who's Been Found:

Stan Byrd found this photo on the Web from a front page story in The Paw Print, the high school newspaper of McNairy County High School in Tennessee.  In case you're having trouble recognizing this old gentleman, he is our own Mickey Murphy, now in his 45th year as an educator and the new principal at MCHS.  The accompanying story has been posted with the picture in the "Administration and Faculty" gallery of Photos Worth Seeing.