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Greetings Classmates,  I am hoping that this notice finds you all safe and well as we all go through these trying times in the world today.  Who knew after we celebrated our 50 year high school reunion that our lives would change so drastically.  We thank God for allowing us to come together for our celebration.

Prayers go out to any of us that this Virus has affected and continues to affect.  Sadly we have lost our friend and classmate Ronnie Hogue to the Covid-19 Virus and our sympathies go out to his family and friends.  Our classmate Regina Anderson lost her husband to the virus.  Belated condolences to the family.  I understand the whole family was affected also.  I am sure there are other stories that I am not aware of but we are thinking of them also.

So many celebrations have been postponed and our hearts go out to all who have had to change plans.  Weddings, Reunions, Funerals, Anniversaries, Birthdays and the list can go on.  With the holidays approaching I am sure this will be a season of adjustments but we are strong and we will get through this.  

Everyone stay strong, take care of yourselves and each other.

Praying everyone is healthy & safe. If you're looking for something to watch while at home, contact Cecilia Ford for your copy of our 50th Reunion DVD. Text (202)997-3918 or email request at

50 Year Reunion

The time for the reunion is rapidly approaching.  I have attached the mailing that was sent out recently.  The date is the same but the name of the venue has changed.  The Greenbelt Marriott was recently sold and it is now the Crown Plaza Hotel.  If you have not received this mailing, you may send your ticket order in using the information included here.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let us know.  If you have any interest in the activities listed let us know.  We hope to see you there and please let anyone know who may not be on the mailing list. 

Still Alive at 65 celebration video photoshow

A trip down memory lane posted by Cecelia Ford - Thanks Cecelia


McKinley Class of 69 - 45th Reunion 


Hello fellow Techites I know everyone had a blast at the 45th Class Reunion.  Here is a special message from Cecelia Ford, Our official photographer.  Many thanks to her for her hard work for putting together this photo show.

Hey now...hope everyone is still blessed and all. I had a natural ball at our 45th Class Reunion. Thank you commmittee members for an absolute fantabulous affair.  I posted pics I took (in the form of a Photo Show) on Facebook (my page on Facebook is Cecilia Ford) but couldn't figure out how to post them on this web site. so you can click on this link to view them. Hopefully one of the web managers can post it to this web site for y'all. See you at the "Still Alive at 65" celebration and the 50th Reunion...God Willing.    






Glenn Tapscott  8/17