John McCauley, Jr.

Profile Updated: August 10, 2018
Residing In: Washington, DC USA
Occupation: Private Investor and Teacher
Yes! Attending Reunion

The Class of 1969 was by-and-large a dynamic, inspiring and unified body of persons who wanted to go out and make a difference in the world through education, idealism, and interaction with others of like mindsets (building a viable community, patronizing and interacting with one another, becoming more altruistic, etc.). Were we successful? I would like to think that many of us did the very, very best that we could with what we had at hand at the given times...

School Story:

McKinley Tech for me was a place that I could act as silly and as immature as I was at that time. My (3) three years at the school were invaluable ones that helped me in more ways than one. In retrospect, I think that I did myself a disservice by not doing as well in my given classes as I could and should have done. Many, many instructors purveyed their benevolence and concern towards me (such as Ms. Mildred Hammond - Green, my homeroom teacher in the - I believe - 10th and 11th Grade. Note: Does anyone know if she is still alive, where she is residing, etc.?

All-in-all, my days at McKinley Tech were the best. Any fallacies, faults, and disenchantments lie mostly at my footsteps...

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Aug 30, 2018 at 4:08 PM

Posted on: Aug 30, 2018 at 4:08 PM

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