Membership Documents



Name: ______________________________________________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________________________


Occupation: __________________________________________________________________________


Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________


Email address: _______________________________________________________________________


What Organizations do you or have you belonged to?




What Activities do you participate in regarding other organizations and/or hobbies you enjoy?



The reason you would like to join Wills Point Ladies Club is:





How did you hear about Wills Point Ladies Club? If you came with a member, please list their name(s):



Please initial in order to show that you understand and agree to the following:

_____I understand that it will be my duty, as a member of Wills Point Ladies Club, to act and represent the Wills Point Ladies Club in a respectful way.
_____I agree to pay the yearly dues of $10.00 at the time of membership.

_____I understand that the dues shall be paid at the beginning of every club year thereafter.

_____I understand that all members are required to participate in both major club fundraisers every club year.
_____I understand that all members are required to participate in at least half of the Wills Point Ladies Club community service projects per club year.
_____I understand that before I can become a member of the Wills Point Ladies Club, I must meet with at least two officers to discuss the club by-laws and other club policies.
_____I understand while the Wills Point Ladies Club meets every month for social time and fun, it is a community organization whose sole purpose follows in line with the mission statement, "Ladies uniting in friendship and fellowship to serve our community."

_____I give permission to the club to publish my name and pictures online and/or in the newspaper or other media publication.

_____I understand that membership may be terminated at any time either at my request or at the request of the club board.

Potential member signature:_______________________________ Date: _____________________

**Wills Point Ladies Club is an equal opportunity organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other criteria irrelevant to club membership.**

Inline Image Not Displayed






Participation Agreement

Please sign and initial in order to show that you understand and agree to the following:

I understand that members are encouraged to participate in an array of Ladies Club activities throughout the club year, but that all members are required to participate in both major club fundraisers every club year.

_____I agree to participate in both major fundraisers during this club year.

I understand that all members are required to participate in at least half of the community service projects available to them each club year.

_____I agree to participate in at least half of the community service project available to me this club year.


Member Name Print ___________________________________________________________________



Member signature:________________________________________ Date:________________________





I understand that my behavior in the community will be a reflection of the Wills Point Ladies Club. As such, I understand that it is my duty, as a member of Wills Point Ladies Club, to act and represent the club in an ethical, honorable and respectful manner at all times.

Member Name Print:___________________________________________________________________

Member Signature:_______________________________________ Date:________________________

*************************************************Acknowledged and accepted by the following Club Officers:

Officer Name, Title: (print)_____________________________________

Officer Signature:_______________________________________ Date:________________________

Officer Name, Title: (print)_____________________________________

Officer Signature:_______________________________________ Date:________________________