Robert B. Gore

Profile Updated: September 30, 2022
Robert B. Gore
Residence: Denver, CO USA
Spouse/Partner &
Year Married or
Years Together:
(include maiden name
if applicable)
Margery T Bornstein. 1978
Occupation: Ob-Gyn Physician Retired 12/31/2018
Children's Names & Year of Birth: Steven Gore April, 1983
Yes! Attending Reunion
Mobile Telephone:




After reading other people's Bios, I decided to update mine and make an effort at creating an informative history.

After New Trier I attended Yale which was not a great experience for me mostly because of my own demons. Despite this I did well and went to the University of Southern California Medical School. I was much happier there and loved living in Los Angeles especially the 3 years I was in Santa Monica 9 short blocks to the ocean. What a gorgeous place. I met my wife Marge in LA who was a USC Law student.

We decided to get married and were in 1978. Neither of us wanted to return to our hometowns (Boston for Marge) and Marge did not want to stay in California. So we decided on Denver and have lived there ever since.

I completed a 4 year residency In Obstetrics and Gynecology and stayed in private practice for the past 35 years. Small world story and HIPPA violation, Jill Snaider Ruttenberg was a patient and I delivered her daughter. I also delivered 3,000+ other babies. Usually a very happy specialty with positive outcomes, minimal cancer and no long term medical illnesses.

We had a son, Steve, in 1983 who did well in school and went to Duke University in the south. He loved it there and one of his passions was rugby. Today he lives in Denver after being all over the world and is a volunteer high school rugby coach and paid rugby referee for club, college, and major league games. Still a passion for him. In college he obtained an electrical engineering and computer science degree and today he uses his people skills to communicate with clients and customers and his IT skills to communicate with coders and engineers. He just got married on Labor Day Weekend for the first time to a 33 y/o IT person at Google whom we love and think is great.

Marge retired from law 10 years ago at 60. She worked as an assistant Attorney General for Colorado and then an in house counsel for the state Department of Human Services managing their child abuse and neglect resolution process. Managing other employees was her stressor, not the job content itself.

I was in large group practices for the first 25 years of my career and then grew tired of constantly negotiating with partners and created my own, individual practice. I worked with a nurse midwife and a nurse practitioner and it was great. When I fully retired 3 years ago. I gave my practice to my nurse practitioner and the office manager. Together they employ 3 nurse midwives, 4 nurse practitioners, and 1 physician. 180 degrees from most practices. They are still independent and not owned by a hospital or other large corporation. Unfortunately a dieing paradigm.

Marge and I now spend the winters in Indian Wells, California (Palm Springs), where we hike, bike, play pickleball, and enjoy the desert. I volunteer there and in Denver for a refugee resettlement agency and a food bank. Hopefully we will begin to travel again as Covid resolves. We have had our 2 vaccines and 3 boosters and are ready to roll.

That's my story in a very abbreviated nutshell. Looking forward to seeing people on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Favorite School Memories:

Student Counsel
1970 moratorium and march
My dog Fleagle constantly following me to school, running through the halls, and then going to Judy Meikle's house.

Junior High School Attended:


High School Attended: (NTE, NTW, or name of another school)

New Trier East

Colleges Attended & Degrees:

Yale for BS
USC for MD

Memories of favorite teachers:

Robert Applebaum
Vernoy Johnson

Robert B.'s Latest Interactions

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Robert B. Gore has a birthday today.
May 05, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Mar 10, 2024 at 8:45 PM

Posted on: Mar 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Hi Patty. Bob Gore wishing you happy birthday. We’re down in Coachella valley enjoying beautiful weather and a fun tennis tournament. Stay well and enjoy.

Robert B. Gore has a birthday today.
May 05, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Apr 15, 2023 at 8:07 PM

Hi Jill. Happy Birthday. I hope all is well in Costa Rica and sometime soon we will be down to visit you. Finally looking forward to travel again. Last year was the big one, now they are all easy. Mine is in 3 weeks. Stay healthy. Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Oct 15, 2022 at 2:30 PM

Hi Patty: It was great seeing you and spending time talking. I really enjoyed it. When you and Bill are touring in the Porsche convertible to the desert please look us up. Stay well, Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 6:08 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Jun 14, 2024 at 1:55 PM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2022 at 6:05 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 15, 2022 at 9:46 PM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 16, 2022 at 1:29 AM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2022 at 5:59 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 4:10 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 4:07 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 05, 2022 at 2:18 PM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2022 at 4:06 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Sep 15, 2022 at 1:27 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 1:26 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 1:25 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 1:21 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 16, 2022 at 11:06 AM

Posted on: Sep 15, 2022 at 1:19 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 1:18 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore posted a message.
Sep 15, 2022 at 1:17 PM

Hello Skokie Alums of 1966: So far the registration for our Friday night dinner at Avli has reached 35 people. Originally I reserved a table for 14 for a "dinner." Now I will need to plan an "event" with a private space and most likely a pre-ordered buffet dinner. I need a formal count on the number of people attending. Please email me the number in your party. Also since Avli is a Greek restaurant, I was thinking of ordering Moussaka and Gyros. We will also need a pre-paid format once that is determined. Please send me your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you,
Bob Gore

Robert B. Gore changed profile picture.
Jul 03, 2022 at 7:28 PM
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Posted: Jul 03, 2022 at 7:20 PM
Posted: Jul 03, 2022 at 7:21 PM
Posted: Apr 03, 2022 at 4:54 PM
Posted: Jul 03, 2022 at 7:20 PM