February, 2005
POSITION: Professor and Chair, Oceanography/Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Sciences, Campus Box 100
University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, Colorado 80639 e-mail:
Graduate Faculty
Teacher Education Faculty
Secretary, Poudre Learning Center
Year(s) Degree Institution Area of Study
1982 Ph.D. University of Delaware (DE) Geology
1976 M.S. SUNY - Albany (NY) Marine Geology
1974 A.B. Middlebury College (VT) Envi. Studies (Geol.)
Marine geology, coastal geology, coastal management, aquatic barge design and construction, oceanography, estuarine, lacustrine, glacial and marine sedimentation and processes, paleogeographic reconstructions in transgressive and regressive environments, tectonics and sedimentation in turbidite basins, application of modern sedimentary environments to the ancient geological record, flood deposits, catastrophic natural hazards research and policy analysis, future science policy and science education strategies, Earth Systems Education, east Australian barrier islands and reefs, on-line Earth Systems courses, on-line oceanography courses.
WORK EXPERIENCE--Professional Academic:
Year(s) Institution/Organization Position Responsibilities
1998 Sea Education Association Chief Scientist SSV WESTWARD
1981- University of Northern Colorado Assistant/Associate Teach 15 under-
Department of Earth Sciences Full Professor, Chair graduate/graduate
courses; res., admin.
Hoyt, W. H., 2001, Encouraging Teachers Over the Long Haul, editorial for Science Activities Journal, Heldref Publications, v. 38, no. 2, p. 3-4.
Hoyt, W. H., 1998 (Chief Scientist), Cruise Report Westward-156, Scientific Activities Undertaken Aboard the SSV Westward, Key West-Bermuda-Rum Cay-Key West, Sea Education Assoc. for U. S. Department of State, Woods Hole, MA 39p.
Mayer, V. J., Fortner, R. W., and Hoyt, W. H., 1995, Using Cooperative Learning as a Structure for Earth Systems Education Workshops, Journal of Geological Education, v. 43, p. 395-400.
Mayer, V. J., Fortner, R. W., and Hoyt, W. H., 1995, Science Is A Study of Earth: A Resource Guide For Implementing Earth Systems Education Programs in the Nation's Schools, The Ohio State University Research Corporation and the University of Northern Colorado, 246p.
Mayer, V. J., Hoyt, W. H. (and 10 other authors), 1992, The role of planet Earth in the new Science Curriculum, Journal of Geological Education, v. 40, p. 66-73.
Hoyt, W. H., 1991, Migrating east Australian barriers and reefs under Greenhouse scenario, in Kraus, N. C., Gingerich, K. J., and Kriebel, D. L., eds., Coastal Sediments '91, American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 2, p. 1329-1342.
Hoyt, W. H., Kraft, J. C., and Chrzastowski, M. J., 1990, Prospecting for submerged archaeological sites on the continental shelf; Southern mid-Atlantic Bight of North America in Lasca, N. P., and Donahue, J., eds., Archaeological geology of North America: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, Centennial Special Volume 4, p. 147-160.
Hoyt, W. H., 1984, Processes of Sedimentation and Geologic History of the Cape Henlopen/Breakwater Harbor Area, Delaware, University of Delaware Sea Grant Publication, DEL-SG-19-82 with 110 illustrations, 11 tables, 13 appendices, 343 pp.
Hoyt, W. H. and J. M. Demarest, 1981, A versatile twin-hull barge for shallow-water vibracoring: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, no. 2, p. 656-657.
Hoyt, W. H., 1981, Beach processes and sand removal downdrift of stabilized inlets: A case study of Indian River and Roosevelt Inlets, Coastal Delaware, Northeastern Geology, v. 3 and 4, p. 259-267.
Mason, D. L., Folger, D. W., Haupt, R. S., McGirr, R. R., and Hoyt, W. H., 1975, Distribution of pollutants from a new paper plant in Southern Lake Champlain, Vermont and New York: Environmental Geology, v. 1, p. 341-347.
Pending South Korea Ministry of Ed. Co-Director Administer & Deliver
International Ed. Development $80,000 Sum. Inst. for Teachers
Pending NSF Grad. Teaching Fellows Co-Principal Administer and
In K-12: Human Impact along Investigator coordinate UNC and
The Front Range of Colorado $1.36 million CSU programs
2005-07 Colo. Dept. Ed., Math/Science Co-Principal Administer Educational
Partnership (MSP), Nor. Colo. Investigator Development of MSP
High Plains $664,000 And design courses
Four undergraduate Honor’s theses completed, one in progress; ten masters thesis/research completed (two of which won the Dean’s Excellence Citation), five in progress; two doctoral degrees in progress, one completed (two Ph. D., one Ed. D.).
Course titles: Sedimentology/Stratigraphy, Physical & Chemical Oceanography, Geological & Biological Oceanography, Practical Oceanography I & II (at sea aboard SSV WESTWARD), General Oceanography, Our Ocean Systems (on campus, on line through Blackboard, and Colorado Consortium for Independent Study), Earth Systems Science Education (on campus and on line through NASA), Revolutions in Science, Honors Connections Seminar, Junior Honors Seminar, Senior Honors Thesis, myriad student internships/traineeships with industry, government and organizations, Earth Science Field Experiences through the Colorado Earth Science Network, and other courses.
Fortner, R. W. and Mayer, V. J. (eds.), 1998, Learning About the Earth as a System, conference proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Geoscience Education, 188p. (W. Hoyt was one of Conference Organizers, and contributed 7 pages describing 7 delivered conference programs.)
All past graduate students, notably Jeff O’Dell; colleagues Dan Jax, Ray Tschillard, Carolyn Robertson, Victor Mayer, Rosanne Fortner, Audrey Meyer, Jeff Farmer, James Schreck, Fred Silverman, Jay Hackett, Bill Blubaugh, John Moore, Bob Mayes, Ed Geary, and others.